
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Welfare recipients with better benifits than me!!!?

Ok maybe I am just venting, but I am 26 and I have a full time job. I was responsible enough to not have children at an early age, and move out and live on my own. I work at a job where benefits are not offered. I tried to get some type of government support to help get benefits but I make too much money, and I started school and I got barely anything in federal loans.

Now what kills me is the fact that there are people out there that have children and are lazy, yet they get government help. Here I am busting my butt going to work full time and getting a college degree, yet I cant afford to get my teeth fixed and have to come out of pocket for shcool loans 200 a month, all the while people who screwed up their lives have it scott free! Free dental, medical, food, housing. And they have the nerve to complain cuz they have to work to get the support. And dont get me started on tax returns, people who dont pay much taxes get back thousands jsut because they have children. UGH!!!

Welfare recipients with better benifits than me!!!?


Welfare recipients with better benifits than me!!!?

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Welfare recipients with better benifits than me!!!?

This is a quote from BEFORE welfare reform. Since welfare reform, people actually get LESS benefits and have a much harder time getting benefits and don%26#039;t get to stay on them regardless of their circumstances. They don%26#039;t get any other help and usually have to do whatever social services says for 8 hours a day which THE LAST TIME I CHECKED IN CA comes out to about 50 cents an hour. Shouldn%26#039;t work for welfare be at least minimum wage? I think you honestly believe that people on welfare are living for free, but you don%26#039;t know so I am telling you their lives SUCK. And if you see anyone living WELL on welfare, they are cheating, guaranteed. PS the average rent in CA is about a thousand dollars a month.

quote below:

%26quot;The average welfare grant in 1993 was $377 a month or $4,524 a year. This was almost $9,000 less than the federal poverty line for a family of three. In 1970, the average monthly welfare check per family was $676 (in 1993 dollars). Since 1970, states have allowed inflation to erode forty-five percent of the value of welfare payments (twenty-seven percent if food stamps are counted). The maximum monthly food stamp allotment for a family of three (the average size of a family receiving AFDC) was $295 monthly. The maximum food stamp benefit, received by only twenty-three percent of all recipients, amounts to about $1.06 per meal per person. The Department of Agriculture reduced the food stamp grant to an AFDC family by thirty cents for each dollar of AFDC income they received.

Even when food stamps are factored in, on average, an AFDC family received maximum benefits that equaled to only forty-two percent of the poverty line. The combination of welfare, food stamps, and housing assistance could raise fewer than one in five welfare families above the poverty line. Only one-quarter of AFDC families received added assistance to pay for housing. 16 Most AFDC households had to purchase shelter, as well as clothing, transportation, personal hygiene, household needs, and school supplies, out of an annual benefit income that averaged $8,000 for a family of three when AFDC and food stamps are combined.%26quot;

Welfare recipients with better benifits than me!!!?

I work at a work force center and here we have offices that help people needing assistance, but man these people come in their pj%26quot;s, flip flops etc. its crazy. They also have programs that help felons adult or youth.....getting an education and teaching them a trade for free with tax dollars that you and I pay. looks like you must be in trouble with the law to get help.

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