
Monday, October 26, 2009

If you had to work to help your family, but you must leave your country for better pay would you do

In case you decide to stay:

1) The country your living at is very currupted.

2) In your country you get paid by each day you go to work not by the hour.(This means if you don%26#039;t show or if your late you don%26#039;t get paid that day)

3) you get paid bi weekly

4) your pay rate is 50 dollars a day.(not hourly)

5) you work from 5:00am to 6:00pm

6) you couldn%26#039;t continue your school because there was no federal funding.(means no loans or grants)

7) you had to buy all school materials from school books to pens and pencils

8) you must pay your tuition right then and there to your school(either cash or check)

9) if you pay for your tuition it doesn%26#039;t includes books or any other school materials

10) if your a female your age and looks matters

**** well these are just some things you should consider before you decide to make a better living somewhere else and to let people know that these are some facts in certain countries today and thats why there are immigrants in america today.

If you had to work to help your family, but you must leave your country for better pay would you do it?

If I Had To Leave My Country To Make A Living In Another,

I ABSOLUTELY WOULD NOT Immigrate To The Other Country ILLEGALLY...

I Would Take The Right Steps To Enter That Country In A LEGAL And ORDERLY Manner And NOT BREAK The LAWS Of That Nation


I Would NOT Work In Another Country UNDOCUMENTED And Become A BURDEN To The TAXPAYERS Of That Nation

We KNOW Why There Are Immigrants In America Today



Heres A Question For You


In Here (Because We KNOW They All Want A Better Life)

Then What Would Be Left In Mexico??

A CORRUPT Government With No Citizens??

A Nation Of NO PEOPLE??

Instead Of Marching In The Streets Of The US,(Armed With The Flag Of Mexico) Why Arent These People Protesting In Their OWN COUNTRY For BETTER TREATMENT As CITIZENS

WHY Must The US TAXPAYERS Shoulder The Burden Of A People Oppressed By A Corrupt Government?

If you had to work to help your family, but you must leave your country for better pay would you do it?

You bet I would. Without hesitation!!!!!!

If you had to work to help your family, but you must leave your country for better pay would you do it?

Absolutely, I would do it to help my family, but I would enter the country I wanted to go to LEGALLY and with the PERMISSION of my host country.

If you had to work to help your family, but you must leave your country for better pay would you do it?

You know the answer yourself...GOOOOOOOOOOO Take it !! Only obvious answer.

If you had to work to help your family, but you must leave your country for better pay would you do it?

I did it, it worked for me.

but... I did it legally and it took time.

If you had to work to help your family, but you must leave your country for better pay would you do it?

I think that is a very important statement. It is obvious why people come to United States for work/immigration. It is a better life here and prayerfully we can all make it work for the better =)

If you had to work to help your family, but you must leave your country for better pay would you do it?

If it was all legal of course. We all do what we have to for the ones we love, but on the other hand where is if fair to take work from others who are struggling also. Its a catch 22.

If you had to work to help your family, but you must leave your country for better pay would you do it?

There is a big hoopla right now about mexicans and other hispanics entering our country. I have been to mexico, and until i went there i really had no opinion on the matter. Their quality of life is so different from ours its hard to compare it.

Just the lack of strong government officials and a functional government system is enough to discourage the nation.

I believe that this country was created to protect and include all those from less than great lives. I believe that striving for happiness and success and for the best for your family should be the right of any human. If it means entering a different country then so be it.

I do though believe that there are right ways of doing this. Such as with visas and green cards and citizenship. Anything else is compromising the safety of the nation you are trying to be part of. Unless people go through the mandated processes theres no way to weed out those who are dangerous.

If you had to work to help your family, but you must leave your country for better pay would you do it?

I would do anything I can to help my family, EXCEPT break the law. People who break the law should be prosecuted regardless of the situation.

If immigrants can break the law to better their lives, why can%26#039;t I break the law and hold up the local bank so as to better my life?

If you had to work to help your family, but you must leave your country for better pay would you do it?

This is the Beauty of this country. All of us want to come here. And often we take desperate measures not to full fill the American dream but to make sure we have bread and butter on the table, at least.

America is the super power. And when you need help you seek from the rich and powerful not from the poor and weak. Of-course the way we seek can be difficult for some to understand

If you had to work to help your family, but you must leave your country for better pay would you do it?

yes of course I would.people say they would except they would come in they even know how hard it is to get a visa.they usually give visas to the people that have money in Mexico.SO obvious they do not need to come to the USA to work.they prefer to stay in Mexico instead of getting treated unfairly because Americans think they are illegal in the thing is coming to us to steal the other is to work.they are not stealing any jobs from the Americans.they only come to work

If you had to work to help your family, but you must leave your country for better pay would you do it?

If Mexico?Cuba is that broken... FIX it.. Don%26#039;t come here and turn U.S. cities into the very barrios that the Mexicans/Cubans fought to escape!!

If you had to work to help your family, but you must leave your country for better pay would you do it?

sounds like alot of the ones listed there are right here in our own flippin country! if they dont like it then change it!! why should they all come here?

If you had to work to help your family, but you must leave your country for better pay would you do it?


If you had to work to help your family, but you must leave your country for better pay would you do it?

i agree with jd and mccrew6 we shouldnt have to be dealing with their mess if they like it here so much and half of them are here anyway why dont they just give us their country and become the next us state let us in there to fix it they want out because its corrupt what you think those kind of values are going to bring here they think nothing of sleeping with little kids beating women ,we help every country on the planet why cant we help ourselves and say no thanks come here legal or not at all whats wrong with that

being here ileaglly only hurts and cripples them more in the long run. and cripples us at the same time it trickles down into everything from them driving around with no insurance think about getting hit by one with no insurance and your stuck with the medical bills and getting your car fixed i was hit by one with no insurance and it was his fault and then he tried to sue me lol he was laughed out of court but thats their mentality i mean till you see the effects of it you just cant imagine all the areas it effects from social security to the law enforcment problems to housing to welfare its not helping their people doing it this way

By: Jim Moore

The invasion of the United States by a foreign nation has begun, and many Americans are still not fully aware of it. The invading horde is coming from Mexico and is gradually occupying vast sections of southern California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas. And unbeknown to most Americans, portions of Nevada, Utah, and Colorado are also on the Mexican drawing board for occupation. These states make up the %26quot;northern%26quot; territory of Aztlan, the legendary ancestral home of the Aztecs who founded Mexico City. Today, the %26quot;Nation of Azlan%26quot; includes the above American states. And Chicano nationalists---who claim that these territories were stolen from them by the United States---are intent on conquering and reclaiming them for Mexico. But who are these Chicano upstarts? They are the Mexican-Americans who do not consider themselves immigrants at all. Why? Because their ancestors have been here for 450 years when these lands belonged to Spain and Mexico. But with the Treaty of Guadalupe, which ended the Mexican-American war in 1848, these lands became part of America.Unfortunately, many Mexicans never accepted the borders drawn up by the 1848 treaty; and today the Chicanos, ardent opponents of the treaty, appear to be the chief proponents of multiculturalism, an overly generous immigration policy, and a lax border patrol. All of which is happening in the USA even as I am writing this and you are reading it.That, my friend, is the primary reason for the Mexican invasion of the United States: It%26#039;s political, not social. Oh sure, Mexicans by the millions are crossing the border illegally, dodging the Border Patrol, and disappearing into the crowds, in search of work, a better life, and, ah yes, U.S. government handouts. But that is an ancillary circumstance. The real reason for the invasion has less to do with people, and more with territory. Nevertheless, it%26#039;s the people living in these areas that are doing the suffering because of the Mexican invasion. By now, I%26#039;m sure you%26#039;ve heard at least snatches of what%26#039;s happening because of illegal aliens in our Southwestern states: private property encroachment, slaughtered livestock, torn-down fences, personal intimidation, destroyed crops, scattered garbage and human waste, threats, bodily harm, and much more. And you%26#039;ve said to yourself, can it really be THAT bad? Surely the police and Border Patrol are capable of controlling these areas better than that. If that is your thinking, I offer here a personal statement from David Watson, a Texas lawman who, for seven years, has had first hand experience dealing with illegal aliens; as a police officer, a marshal, and a deputy sheriff. After you%26#039;ve gotten a cop%26#039;s view of this immigration mess maybe you%26#039;ll see this criminal invasion of America in a different light. %26quot; I have been employed as a police officer, a town marshal, and a deputy sheriff. I don%26#039;t have to worry about speaking out and getting fired anymore. I am pretty much blackballed from the profession. %26quot;I can%26#039;t speak for the rest of the world, but here in Texas you can%26#039;t touch illegal aliens. You can%26#039;t ask them for a green card or question their citizenship, or your job will be in grave jeopardy. %26quot;Let me tell you how this works in rural Texas. These %26quot;undocumented workers%26quot; are protected more than the horned toad. They work for little or nothing. That%26#039;s why farmers, feed yards and construction companies want them. They want them employed during the day, and disappear when the work day is done. Then the common people in town have to deal with the aftermath, and so do the police---arrest the wrong immigrant and you%26#039;re labeled a racist or worse. %26quot;You are now in the hot seat. If you put the police administrator in this position too many times you%26#039;ll lose your job. But nowadays you are likely not to get a cop job in the first place if don%26#039;t speak the language of the invaders. Furthermore, we have to endure hours of %26quot;cultural sensitivity%26quot; training. In these classes we are told that we must take into consideration the %26quot;culture%26quot; of the illegal aliens we are dealing with. %26quot;For example, it may be permissible for a man to beat his wife and have sexual relations with his daughters in the country they came from. We need to be %26#039;sensitive%26quot; to this when it comes time to arrest or press charges. %26quot;Can you see how this dominoes? You could witness a Hispanic or black male walking down the street buck naked with a chain saw in one hand a severed head in the other, and you %26quot;fail to see%26quot; it. You get a sudden urge for donuts on the other side of town. You don%26#039;t mean to be this way, it just builds on you after years on the street. You start out wanting to save the world from the evils of humanity and before long you don%26#039;t give a crap. You just say %26#039;screw it%26#039;, these people aren%26#039;t worth it, and walk away. I am now working for the U.S. Government. I make five times what I made as a local peace officer. I am now able to feed and clothe my family without having to scrimp, and I don%26#039;t have to put up[ with illegal aliens anymore. This makes it easy not to give a rip if can%26#039;t say what%26#039;s on my mind, or acknowledge the fact that certain minority groups are destroying my city, county, state and country. This is why, and I hate to say this, we do not deserve the country and freedom that we have been given.%26quot; I honestly wish I could tell you that David Watson%26#039;s story about the misery and danger of policing and protecting our Southwestern border is unique.

It isn%26#039;t.

%26quot;Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.%26quot;

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