changed on my birth certificate. However throughout my life the public school system, social security administration, and the driver motor vehicle used the incorrect spelling. I learned that there was a change in the spelling of my name just a few years ago. I was wondering that sense my correct name is not on my student loans, can I get out of paying them?
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
Sure. You can trade paying on your student loans for a forgery and fraud charge.
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
No, because your social security # is still linked to you, it%26#039;s not possible, sorry!
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
No. And why, after you have had the use of the money, would you want to defraud your lender?
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
no because it is attached to yer ss#
not yer name
student loans are like herpes
you cannot EVER get rid of them,
the govt will chase u til u die
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
ur name being misspelled doesnt mean nething. if they have ur ssn ur screwed cuz they%26#039;ll track u down
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
good luck with that
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
I wouldn%26#039;t think so. I reckon you%26#039;d still have to pay as they did give you the money
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
People would do just about anything to get out of paying the loans, wouldn%26#039;t they?
No, you can%26#039;t. You still have to pay them back because your SSN is still linked to you. Unless you can actually prove that you are not the person who cashed in the loan and that someone has stolen your identity, you can%26#039;t get out of paying them back.
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
No. Your SS number is on them so your name doesn%26#039;t matter
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
Well, you just asked this question, which acknowledges that you%26#039;re informed of the error, thus, you have to pay. They can search Internet records via blogs, MySpace, FaceBook, Yahoo!Answers, etc, to prove you knew the name was wrong. You%26#039;re still responsible for it.
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
No. But nice try...
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
No,because all the other information is correct:like SSN,Address,home telephone,etc.
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
I%26#039;m guessing your correct social security number is also on those loans, which will make ducking them difficult.
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
I doubt it, your name is not necessarily what ties you to the loan. Your ss# and birthdate probably play a bigger part. The best way to find out is to ask the finance company that holds the loan. You could just state you%26#039;re inquiring about the misspelling of your name and see what they say.
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
no you still owe the money.
do not step aside from your financial obligations... listen to Dave Ramsey... or go to Dave Ramsey dot com....
are you from India
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
And since your name is wrong, I guess you don%26#039;t want any government services/privileges, that you may be entitled to. Oh, and I guess you%26#039;ll have to pay all of the taxes that you haven%26#039;t paid, since your name is wrong..., etc.
No, pay back the student loan.
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
Nope we all can get our name changed in court
but we can never get it changed the Social Security Number
only if the government for protection gives you a new name
And A new
Social Security Number
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
No. You signed a contract, regardless of how you name was spelled. Your contract also has a clause that says that all your personal information is true and correct.
This also applies to making payments to your creditors, let%26#039;s say you forget to sign your check but drop it in the mail, the creditor will still cash it because by receiving a payment, the intent to pay is there. Same if you send your car payment instead of your loan payment, the creditor will cash whatever payment you send based on this logic (of course you will get a credit back minus the minimum payment in 5 to 10 business days).
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
I would ask a lawyer
My name is spelled wrong on all my student loan contracts. Two weeks after I was born my mother had the...?
student loans suck. i think i owe sallie mae my first born child
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