
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What to do; easy way or hard way?

I%26#039;m trying to go to school, but by the looks of things, I cannot renew my scholarship, don%26#039;t have a co-signer, no loans, so i can%26#039;t pay for school. I just left my job, looking for another one, I%26#039;m supposed to leave Aug. 18th to another state, but money, no place to stay. I dont think staying at home is for me because i%26#039;m uncomfortable here [cant get along w/ mother (can%26#039;t even say %26quot;good morning%26quot; without it being something)] So i%26#039;m thinking i%26#039;m about to be homeless in about 2 weeks. What to do?

What to do; easy way or hard way?

Hmmm - can%26#039;t renew the scholarship? Hope this doesn%26#039;t relfect poor performance, that could make things much more difficult.

First of all, IMMEDIATELY contact your college%26#039;s financial aid office and see what help they can give. Usually there ARE loans and grants you can get despite your credit history.

Second, you may need to take a semester off. It%26#039;s not unusual for students who run out of money to remain able to return to their school, but have to take time out to work and stabilize their lives and save money.

Alternatively, you could check out local state or community colleges that you can afford to attend. Even with their low costs you might still need to stay out a semester so you have the money for those fees and expenses, however. AND if you move to another state you may not qualify for those lower costs, but instead have to pay EXTREMELY high out-of-state tuition.

What might be the very best thing is to first contact those financial aid folk. THEN find a half-decent job that pays better than minimum wage (else, girl, you will need TWO jobs!) and start as soon as you can. Next, bite your tongue and stay with Mom long enough to pay the rent on a cheap apartment or room - alternatively, find a friend with whom you can stay knowing that you will have to pay some expenses after you collect your check.

THEN decide whether you want to move out of state or pursue your education in-state, and where (all this assumes the financial aid folk didn%26#039;t produce a magical solution). Start immediately getting set up to return to classes after you have worked a while and plan your budget so that you really CAN go back to school. Find out what classes you will need to take and get the course outlines, and start buying a book here and a book there. Get a jump on the work so that you will do well and not kill yourself with both school, study and work when you go back.

This takes maturity and determination and sure hurts your social life and other things. But if you are REALLY serious about getting the education, it will pay off.

What to do; easy way or hard way?

try to get some grants and financial might not help much, but at least you tried.

What to do; easy way or hard way?

IF you can%26#039;t get a student loan because of your parents income then ask to be an %26quot;independent status%26quot; student to where your parents income is not a factor. Take out ONLY the loans you need for basic education and work your a** off for the rest.

What to do; easy way or hard way?

Hi,,, well,,, get a boyfriend,,, until you get a job..... or get a sugar daddy,,, that will help you out until you finish school......

good luck

What to do; easy way or hard way?

Sorry you are in a bad situation. Try going back to your school%26#039;s administrative department and see a guidance counseler. Explain your situation. Perhaps try and get your old job back (may not happen but worth a try) just so you will be in a stronger position to get a loan. No matter what, don%26#039;t go homeless. Don%26#039;t even think about it. Even though your mom may be annoying stay at home until you get your stuff together.

What to do; easy way or hard way?

I would suck it up, get a job and save up as best I could. I would reapply for admittance to school for the next semester. I would also look to see what kind of financial aid that I could qualify for. I know that things aren%26#039;t great at your mothers house, but hang in there until you can get your sh*t together.

What to do; easy way or hard way?

Sweety, do you have any other family members that could co-sign you? And in order to get a loan you have to have good credit. To get credit, you might wanna think about making payments on a small car if you don%26#039;t already have one. If you have no place to go, then staying at home would be your best interest.

What to do; easy way or hard way?

Speak to your school about the problem, maybe they can help get you a co-signer for your scholarship. Look for charitable organizations/ businesses/banks that would be willing to co-sign for you. Try to get help from other family members, friends, your church (most churches will help you, even if you don%26#039;t attend that church), etc. Don%26#039;t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Please, don%26#039;t do anything desperate that you%26#039;ll regret. Don%26#039;t take jobs that will demean you in any way. There is always help. You just have to look for it and not give up. If you have to, go to Social Security/ Dept. of Human Services. You might want to even see a lawyer, if things get rough. I%26#039;ll be praying for you. (That may sound a little trite considering your situation, but I know prayer works). Try to have hope and never give up!

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