It isnot identity theft I have contacted this person, I can%26#039;t enroll in school using a grant because she has grants and loans, I have learnned I was issued the ssn years before she was issued it. And the social security office has been giving me the run around on this. I have trouble getting jobs, it looks like I%26#039;m lieing on my apps when I state places I have worked or schools I%26#039;ve attened. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft
Assuming you are a LEGAL US citizen, you need to contact your local state Representative or Congressman if SS won%26#039;t help you.
This makes a huge difference to get the number correct, because when you get old enough to collect SS benefits or if you had to get disability, they won%26#039;t give it to you.
Good Luck getting it straightened out !
I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft
well, this is not something for Yahoo Answers!!!
Contact The Social Security Department!!!!! THey have made an error and have to correct it. Also be sure you have your records of all the jobs you have had and dates. When you retire how will they have all of this imformation correct?
I would contact an Attorney
I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft
I seriously doubt this. Your SSN is not based upon your birthdate... and there are many people out there with same names and last names but different middle names.
I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft
Get a good lawyer.
I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft
Aren%26#039;t you issued your SSN sometime shortly after you%26#039;re born? I%26#039;ve never heard of someone having the same SSN number. Same names and even initials but never the number. If this is actually true, I%26#039;d hire a very good attorney and fight for my identity. If you are having this many problems why haven%26#039;t you heard about this before from her. Has she ever contacted you wtih the same problems?
How can you have problems getting a job and not her? Seems you would both be in the same boat and wanting to straighten this out. Don%26#039;t settle for the run around and get busy you have a lot of work ahead of you and it probably won%26#039;t be as easy as it seems. The govt. you know
Luck to you
I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft
How do you KNOW this isn%26#039;t identity theft? She may be a con artist with a really pleasant personality, but she is obviously running up some bills under YOUR social security number. Call the credit reporting agencies and let them know what she is doing. Then, find a local investigative reporter and tell them the story. Once the SS people get outed, they will be FORCED to take action. Don%26#039;t you just love forcing government agencies to do things? Write letters to the editor of the local papers, and include documentation. Call a lawyer. Call Adult Protective Services. You need help and you have to be a squeeky wheel to get action in this country! Best wishes.
I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft
It is impossible for two people to legitimately have the exact same number.
One of you has been using an incorrect number.
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