
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Should I file bankrupt?

over $20k in cr card debt. currently being sued for $4000. more creditors could come.

about $20k in student loans which are deferred until graduation. Still in school.

Should I file bankrupt?

You need to talk to someone, you have serious problems. Yahoo Answers can%26#039;t dig you out of this one.

Should I file bankrupt?

What assets are you trying to protect by declaring bankruptcy??? If you are a student and renting an apartment and own a junky car like most of us did, dont declare bankruptcy. Just stop paying, it will destroy your credit but not nearly as bad as Bankruptcy would.

Keep paying the student loans, you cant get out of them anyway, and they will garnish your wages in most states to get paid back. Stop paying on the cards, when you start working in a few years, call them indiviudally and fight to pay them off at 50 cents on the dollar.

An easy way to do this is if you owe 5K each to 4 different cards, call each one and tell them you only have $2,500 and it is going to the first one to agree to settle the debt in full for what you currently have, they will all jump at this.

The nasty collectors will keep calling you, just tell them you have nothing they can attach, and you will pay in several years when you are earning, then hang up. Dont let them scare you no matter what they say. Unless you actually have assets they can find, (get them out of your name if possible) there is really nothing they can do.

a few years from now, after you settle the debt using the above methods, get a few secured cards, charge often and pay them on time, at the same time, write to the credit reporting bureaus desputing the old negative items requesting %26quot;full and complete%26quot; records from each of them from the day you opened your account to the day it was closed. If the card company cannot provide the records in their entirety, the reporting agency is obliged to remove the negative. I went from a 530 to a 740 FICO in about 18 months doing this in the early 90%26#039;s. I informally help friends and family do this all the time.

Should I file bankrupt?

You should see a BK attorney to see what your options are. BK rules vary state by state.

Should I file bankrupt?

whatever you do I hope you learned how to be responsiuble in future with a credit card. Bancruptcy laws have changed since 2005. Check with a bancruptcy attorney. If you do file it do it soon as it will take time to come off your credit report. Check out this website. it has lots of info and the guy offers FREE seminars for people who are thinking about filing or have filed bancruptcy. He has filed it and offers advice on how to recover faster from it plus LOTS of other useful info.

I filed in 2005, just under the wire and I have attended his seminars and enjoy letters from his website as very useful and helpful and informative. Stephen Snyder is his name. link is below in sources area.

Should I file bankrupt?

You have to be strong in your situation. Still go to school but look in for a part-time job.,be a waitress is good. Save money as much as you can to pay of your debt.

Financial aid/tuition question ?

My son is going to a college in our home state that has given him his financial aid package and we accepted it. It consists of scholarship, pell grant, grant from actual college and both subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loans. It totalled $14,050. That is the school%26#039;s estimate of tuition, including dorm and meal ticket. Their web site also now says the real cost is supposedly actually only $12,900. They do the package to be sure he has enough to attend. So, what happens to that extra $. Can he use it on campus for expenses, such as supplies? Or does the aid office take it back and put it on the Stafford, or what? This is my oldest and first experience with college, etc. We have had so many questions!

Financial aid/tuition question ?

As long as his aid does not go above the school%26#039;s COA (Cost of Attendance), your son should receive a refund check from the Business/Bursar%26#039;s office.

Most schools will take what the amount is for that semester (the tuition, fees, room, and board) and transfer the financial aid awarded over. If the financial aid exceeds what is owed, then a refund check will be issued. If what is owed exceeds the financial aid awarded, then money you have to pay the difference.

If your son is going to be getting a refund check, then he will be able to use it for books, supplies, and living expenses. Some schools will even automatically issue a refund check and deposit it into a student%26#039;s bank account without the student having to do anything.

I know it can be a very daunting experience for parents and students when a student goes to college for the first time. Most schools are able to disburse funds up to a week before classes begin, so that%26#039;s when refund checks start to be issued. Your best bet is to check with the financial office to get a timeline of what will happen when for that particular institution.

Good luck!

Financial aid/tuition question ?

yes. they college will have a nice shiney check waiting for you. the amount will be the difference minus a small amount for processing. make sure to keep up with the schools bursar%26#039;s office because they will often forget to contact you and thus put it as a credit towards his next semester. my experience is to be proactive chasing the check down and make sure they know you want a check versus a credit.

Financial aid/tuition question ?

You can get free scholarship info here:

Don%26#039;t forget to enter the $10,000 scholarship contest.

Financial aid/tuition question ?

Hi --- Every college handles this differently. Call the college financial aid office and ask what their policy is. I know --- it can be a really confusing, crazy process! But the financial aid office knows just what to do.

Financial aid/tuition question ?

Check with your financial aid office for details as to how they will handle the %26#039;overpayment%26#039;.

If I were in your shoes, however, I would rather NOT have the extra cash. Instead, I would reduce the amount of the unsubsidized Stafford loan. Why increase the amount you have to pay back WITH INTEREST if you can afford to reduce the initial loan?

Financial aid/tuition question ?

I%26#039;d call the college....bc NO school around here issues refund checks. My extra balance is keep on my school account for the next year and can be used to buy books etc at the bookstore.

Few colleges will cut YOU a check to attend there school.

How much does a typical undergraduate (4 year) degree cost these days? Just an average (inc. room an

It is scary from what some of my friends are telling me it is costing them to put their kids through college....and I don%26#039;t have one yet. So, in say, 18 years...I wonder what it will cost. Damn, that is a frightening prospect.

I kind of have an idea of what mine cost almost 15 years ago, (around $15,000/year I think) but my parents were so good to me and took out the loans and paid them back too. Now, grad school that was a different story. I will probably be retired before I get those get paid off....ugh.

How much does a typical undergraduate (4 year) degree cost these days? Just an average (inc. room and board)?

Check out this website on

Click on the link %26quot;how much college will cost%26quot;, and you%26#039;ll see a calculator that allows you to make different assumptions. You can even find updated estimates for specific universities, or choose a %26#039;typical%26#039; public or private university.

How much does a typical undergraduate (4 year) degree cost these days? Just an average (inc. room and board)?

Double it.

How much does a typical undergraduate (4 year) degree cost these days? Just an average (inc. room and board)?

it depends on what you mean by typical...I went to a state school in the state I had, my tuition each semester was only about $2000.

How much does a typical undergraduate (4 year) degree cost these days? Just an average (inc. room and board)?

Currently, w/o room and board, it is costing me about $11,000 a year to attend a public school. The estimates are to be at around $30,000 a year for a public school.

How much does a typical undergraduate (4 year) degree cost these days? Just an average (inc. room and board)?

I just sent my daughter to college (Colorado State University). She%26#039;s enrolled as %26quot;out of state%26quot;. It%26#039;s $16,000 a year for tuition and about $7,500 a year for room and board.... it ain%26#039;t cheap, but if the student works hard and makes something of his or her self... it%26#039;s worth every penny to the parent...

How much does a typical undergraduate (4 year) degree cost these days? Just an average (inc. room and board)?

i go to a private school in California and it cost $28,000 a year for everything, that is without my scholarships, but my school was rated #1 in US News for best value (most bang for your buck)

How much does a typical undergraduate (4 year) degree cost these days? Just an average (inc. room and board)?

For my undergrad, I went to a 4-yr jesuit university. It was about 28k per yr in tuition, and probably around 8-10k per yr for room/board. But, I got a lot of merit aid and federal loans/grants, so i only ended up having to pay about 10 or 12k per yr, usually in loans.

Unfortunately, my generation, I%26#039;m 22, has become the debt generation. Our parents were either denied the opportunity to attend the college of their choice, or had the philosophy %26quot;go whereever you want, whatever the price%26quot;.

Don%26#039;t try putting your kids through college if it will cause you to go completely broke. My mother can%26#039;t even think of saving for retirement she took out so many PLUS loans for my sisters and myself.

Loan Officer?

i live in san jose, california. I%26#039;m 17 years old and thinking about becoming a loan officer once i turn 18 and graduate high school. i want to work part time since i will be going to college full time. i know that some industries/companies/firms are willing to train and help u get the license. will i have to go seek the clients or will the clients come to me. will i be able to make about $1000 working part time.

Loan Officer?

It all depends on where you work. Loan officers get paid on loans they do and not by a salary. So the more loans you process the more you get paid. No loans processed you get nothing. Bigger banks such as BofA and Wells Fargo will train you and help you get your license. They also help by sending you to locations where they are doing showings such as new property and are partnered with the location to be the only ones who can do loans for that location.

Loan Officer?

Depends on what company you work for. I know some Loan Officers that just sit and wait for clients and others that go out and find them.

When you go to these firms, you do the interviewing not them.

Good Luck

If someone had a student loan and they have been declared disabled, is the loan forgiven?

I got a student loan in the late 1990%26#039;s to attend nursing school. I was later injured so badly at a major hospital that I was declared by the federal government to be disabled. I am now on SSI, full disability. Is my student loan forgiven? If so, how do I go about that?

If someone had a student loan and they have been declared disabled, is the loan forgiven?

Contact your lender and tell them you are disabled. You will have to submit paperwork and sign releases and have your doctor sign off on it. They will do their own investigation and let you know their decision. For my hubby, his loan was %26quot;conditionally%26quot; discharged for a few years first. Then his situation was re-assessed before it was completely discharged.

Also, if you have let your loan go into default, that will still be on your credit report. Even if you get it discharged, it will still be on your credit report, because you were still delinquent in the payments of it and let it get into default.

If someone had a student loan and they have been declared disabled, is the loan forgiven?

Absolutely not. All you need to do is to show them the proof that you are disabled person and make no income. Good luck.

If someone had a student loan and they have been declared disabled, is the loan forgiven?

I would like to recommend you some useful infomation here.

If someone had a student loan and they have been declared disabled, is the loan forgiven?

There are many different websites out there that have knowledge on this subject.

I just did a google search and found this website :


Hopefully it is helpful for you.


I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, no

It isnot identity theft I have contacted this person, I can%26#039;t enroll in school using a grant because she has grants and loans, I have learnned I was issued the ssn years before she was issued it. And the social security office has been giving me the run around on this. I have trouble getting jobs, it looks like I%26#039;m lieing on my apps when I state places I have worked or schools I%26#039;ve attened. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft

Assuming you are a LEGAL US citizen, you need to contact your local state Representative or Congressman if SS won%26#039;t help you.

This makes a huge difference to get the number correct, because when you get old enough to collect SS benefits or if you had to get disability, they won%26#039;t give it to you.

Good Luck getting it straightened out !

I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft

well, this is not something for Yahoo Answers!!!

Contact The Social Security Department!!!!! THey have made an error and have to correct it. Also be sure you have your records of all the jobs you have had and dates. When you retire how will they have all of this imformation correct?

I would contact an Attorney

I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft

I seriously doubt this. Your SSN is not based upon your birthdate... and there are many people out there with same names and last names but different middle names.

I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft

Get a good lawyer.

I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft

Aren%26#039;t you issued your SSN sometime shortly after you%26#039;re born? I%26#039;ve never heard of someone having the same SSN number. Same names and even initials but never the number. If this is actually true, I%26#039;d hire a very good attorney and fight for my identity. If you are having this many problems why haven%26#039;t you heard about this before from her. Has she ever contacted you wtih the same problems?

How can you have problems getting a job and not her? Seems you would both be in the same boat and wanting to straighten this out. Don%26#039;t settle for the run around and get busy you have a lot of work ahead of you and it probably won%26#039;t be as easy as it seems. The govt. you know

Luck to you

I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft

How do you KNOW this isn%26#039;t identity theft? She may be a con artist with a really pleasant personality, but she is obviously running up some bills under YOUR social security number. Call the credit reporting agencies and let them know what she is doing. Then, find a local investigative reporter and tell them the story. Once the SS people get outed, they will be FORCED to take action. Don%26#039;t you just love forcing government agencies to do things? Write letters to the editor of the local papers, and include documentation. Call a lawyer. Call Adult Protective Services. You need help and you have to be a squeeky wheel to get action in this country! Best wishes.

I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft

It is impossible for two people to legitimately have the exact same number.

One of you has been using an incorrect number.

Serious Advice Please?

I am a 22 year old woman who lives on my own and work 2 jobs (1 part time, 1 full time). I have family around me but none of them every supported me in anything I wanted to do- not school, not work, no loving or financial support. To others, it looks like I am taking care of my own, which in a sense I am, but I am hindered because I want to go to college but I never will if I look to my family, they are just not interested and the money for a community college is availabe. They told me if I wanted to go, I would have to put myself through it. I can%26#039;t because I work 2 jobs and need them both to financially keep my head above water. I am becoming depressed because I have no real friends or family. I am strong and smart but I can not bear all these burdens. I just want to be able to go to school but I can not take out all those loans, and scholarships rearely come through. I am at my last put, I am thinking about joining the military because in the military I will at least have foundation

Serious Advice Please?

Start slowly by taking just one class in the evening. Later, you may find you can manage two and still work both jobs. At least you will be moving toward your goal.

I%26#039;d think twice before enlisting in the military; they don%26#039;t pay enlisted members worth a damn, and you%26#039;re stuck being at their mercy for a minimum of 4 years.

Whatever you do, DO NOT have a child and further complicate your life (like I did).

Serious Advice Please?

Why don%26#039;t you want to take out a student loan? The government offers them to EVERYONE. You don%26#039;t even have to pay them back until 6 months after you have finished school. That%26#039;s what I did and it worked great. And the payments are low, mine was only $50 a month.

Serious Advice Please?

I am sorry you don%26#039;t have a support system. I admire the strength that you have in spite of it. Just keep your head up and keep doing your thing. Your family will come around when you become successful with their hands out. You can tell to go where the sun don%26#039;t shine when they do. You have to be your own support system. Visualize your future and use your strength and determination to make sure it happens.

You can apply for financial aid for help with paying for school. It wouldn%26#039;t hurt you to take out school loans. Plenty of people have had to do that. I am still paying on my student loans.

Is there anywhere to get a equity loan to save my home even though now I have terrible credit?

I am facing foreclosure. I%26#039;ve lost my business. I have a new born son and two school age daughters. I want to either get a loan to pay up the past due portion of my mortgage to start fresh or sell my home with a profit to start fresh or rent my home and or file bankruptcy (last resort). I really don%26#039;t know what to do. And if I%26#039;m honest I would really just like to move out of my state altogether and start fresh. Anybody want to buy a beautiful 1900 sq.ft. home in sc in a very private very quite neighborhood 3br,2ba, vaulted ceilings, 1 car garage, private backyard with 8ft stucco walls, front yard maintenance included? Or maybe we could trade homes?

Is there anywhere to get a equity loan to save my home even though now I have terrible credit?

Man, Jim is the only response that you got from someone not trying to scam you out of $ and identity.

You may need to settle on selling w/o a profit, I don%26#039;t know enough to help with that.

Bakruptsy will not stop the foreclosure.

If you are really in bad shape you are better to move into a family members home and rent your place out to make the mortgage payments.

Also, talk to your bank, I am amazed how many people don%26#039;t talk to them. They honestly may have a solution to aviod foreclosure.

BTW, you can move, but your credit follows you there too.

Good luck to you! Avoid the sharks on here, they are out trolling for victims, and that is the last thing you need.

Is there anywhere to get a equity loan to save my home even though now I have terrible credit?

I%26#039;m a mortgage broker from Edmonton Alberta, I would recommend not going into bankrupcy as this will have long reaching effects on any future plans of owning a home or starting a business. In my opinion I would talk first with your lender and see if they could refinance your loan to affordable levels. Or if that%26#039;s not what you want sell your home and take what equity you can and start again. A lot of people think bankrupcy is an easy way out, but from my experience it will have a big affect on your future plans

Is there anywhere to get a equity loan to save my home even though now I have terrible credit?

I.m sorry to hear your challenges, if you have equity in your home, I would find the best real estate broker (interview 3) determine the true market value of your home and have them sell it asap.

Call you bank and tell them of your situtaion, they may have a program such as a %26quot;Workout%26quot;

If you have no equity, ask the lender about a deed in lieu of foreclosure. This could protect you credit.

Banks do not want to foreclose.

Perhaps a real estate attorney or good broker can be objective and offer some sound advise.

Your family is important and hang in there.

Is there anywhere to get a equity loan to save my home even though now I have terrible credit?

Please send me pictures of the house, let me know what is due in back mortgage, who the lender is, and how much you would need to move, what your monthly payments are, and the complete address of the property. I may be able to help you avoid foreclosure. Anyone one in the same procession can contact me as well

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is urging Gov. Schwarzenegger to sign legislation extending state financial aid to illegal immigrant college students.

The so-called DREAM Act would allow illegal immigrant students who graduate from California high schools to apply for Cal Grant Loans, and community college fee waivers.

Sen. Barack Obama helped pass a similar bill while serving in the Illinois State Senate and is now pushing California to do the same.

%26quot;Governor Schwarzenegger now has the chance to demonstrate that instead of blaming one group for the challenges America faces, he can unite Californians and give children who play by the rules the opportunity to succeed,%26quot; Obama said in released statement.

Senate Bill 1 passed the State Legislature last month and now sits on Schwarzenegger%26#039;s desk. He has until October 14 to decide whether to sign or veto the legislation, but if the past is any indication, the bill%26#039;s chances are slim. Schwarzenegger vetoed a similar measure, SB 160, last year.

In his SB 160 veto message, Schwarzenegger said, %26quot;While I do not believe that undocumented children should be penalized for the acts of their parents, this bill would penalize students here legally by reducing the financial aid they rely on to allow them to go to college and pursue their dreams.%26quot;

Obama says a second veto would make the state%26#039;s immigration situation even worse.

%26quot;If Governor Schwarzenegger vetoes the DREAM Act a second time, he will compound the immigration crisis by driving thousands of children who were on the right path into the shadows,%26quot; Obama said.

Schwarzenegger has not indicated whether he plans to sign or veto the pending bill.

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

Not me. Frigging California. What the hell goes on in those people%26#039;s heads?!

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

One should have to be an American or have a visa to go to school here. No exceptions.

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?



Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

Thanks - yet another reason NOT to vote for Obama

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

I do NOT

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

I don%26#039;t support the idea

Not for rewarding illegal behavior in any shape or form....

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

Not on a bet! No way!

Offspring of US military personnel who get moved around from base to base are not eligible for in-state tuition rates until they meet the residency requirements........despite the fact they are moved at the direction of the govt for the protection of the US....yet the kids of criminals are supposed to get college tuition?

NO WAY JOSE! or Maria.....

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

I DO NOT Support Tuition for %26quot;ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS%26quot;!!


NONE of those Canditates really want the (so-called) Dream Act...they%26#039;re only playing to the Hispanic vote.....that%26#039;s just what it is, %26quot;A DREAM%26quot; and opens the doors to %26quot;ILLEGAL AMNESTY%26quot;!

Arnold would be %26#039;crazy%26#039; to support it....why not let %26#039;US%26#039; Californians %26#039;vote%26#039; on it? It would go down in DEFEAT just like New Yorks%26#039; idea to give Driver licenses to %26#039;ILLEGALS%26#039;.... Let me ask you, %26quot;WHAT PART OF THE WORD %26quot;ILLEGAL%26quot;, DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND%26quot;!

Arnold is a Great Governor and he said it best, Schwarzenegger said, %26quot;While I do not believe that undocumented children should be penalized for the acts of their parents, this bill would penalize students here legally by reducing the financial aid they rely on to allow them to go to college and pursue their dreams.%26quot;


Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

Defeated in congress. California is no longer part of the USA

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

I would support it ONLY if military children, and USA citizen%26#039;s children, are put FIRST, and have a better opportunity for any funds FIRST. No, it%26#039;s not fair to hinder children in any way, BUT it%26#039;s also not fair for those who have paid their dues in American society to be put behind some unfortunate children who%26#039;s parents are here illegally,and some Liberals feel %26quot;sorry%26quot; for them. Let THEM , the liberal Boo-hoo%26#039;ers, pay for it out of their generous tax money they pay our government.

Better yet, lets set up fund-raising networks for EVERY conceivable type of program,and let the taxpayers decide which ones to fund. Those that get funded, are most desired by the citizens, those that don%26#039;t, oh well. You Liberals can contribute to those ( Sean Hannity has started a similar effort for college tuition for children of soldiers killed in Iraq, and has generated HUGE support ( and money )), so it does work. If no one wants to support South American illegal children, then it would show up in any fund-raising efforts. So, go for it, set it up, and lets see how many Libs contribute to it. Of THEIR OWN money.

- The Gremlin Guy -

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

no illegal deserves anything more than emergency medical aid, (if needed) and maybe a ride back to where he/she came in illegally. Since the Dems like obama want to give things away (at the taxpayers expense, of course) then let%26#039;s pay for the tuition of LEGAL americans, many of who cannot afford a quality education. Obama is one sorry A** like the rest of the moron liberals.

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

BAH! HUMBUG! I was student who played by the rules, too, and suceeded in school. But I didnt get any loan or waiver for college. My American born white parents worked their butts off to make certain my brothers and I got those university degrees.

Noooooo.. Arnold, don%26#039;t do it, man. This is just wrong! Any spin Obama wants to put on it doesn%26#039;t change the fact that it is just wrong, wrong, wrong to penalize American born students this way.

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

what is the country comming to

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

Just another reason not to vote for the Traitor Obama.

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

I am going to have to say %26quot;I am against it.%26quot; because the bill doesn%26#039;t include citizenship, a new car, a new house, interest free loans, guaranteed passing grades in college and a job that you can%26#039;t be fired or laid-off for life.

Until that is included, I just don%26#039;t think we are doing enough for illegal aliens. lol

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

Governor Schwarzenegger will probably side with Obama unfortunatley because he is a foriegner and is pro illegal. You know the sad thing about this is that American tax payers help pay for these illegals education and then they become layers ect and sue us for being racist or politically incorrect,I read that there are a bunch of foriegn lawyers already taking illegals cases for free at tax payers expense. While our kids are fighting for this country. Obama wont be the president anyway,Thank God.

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

I do not.I know plenty of people who%26#039;s parents had to put up their houses just so they could be able to afford college.These benefits should be for Americans and legal immigrants only.

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

That was several months ago. On the same weekend the Governator vetoed that bill (they already get instate tuition, this would have given them taxpayer funded grants, etc.) the Governator also passed a law saying no community could deny rental housing on the basis of immigration status (invalidating Escondito%26#039;s law.) Frankly, that law by Escondito may have had constitutional problems due to impact on those legally here (like kids) but what about those landlords who need a social security number to run a credit check? I don%26#039;t think Arnold thought it through, and he is carefully trying to play the middle.

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

No, I do not support anything that allows anyone who is not here legally to get any type o9f benefits, and that includes a college education. If you want to go to school, do it legally.

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

I suport it my best friend lived since she enetered kindergarden shes a straight A student. And she works her *** and you think she doesn%26#039;t deserve to go to an american collage, Just beacouse she is a bright person that was forced by the economic sistuation in here contry to come here?

Who here supports tuition for illegal immigrants?

Now in going to vote for obama for shure.

Whould you punish a kid for wanting to get a higher education? Yes, there parents did brake the law, but for a good reason, and the kids had no say in it.

And give me a reason why we shouldn%26#039;t do this in california? (Yes I%26#039;m from california) other then other then the %26quot;lets not reward illegal for braking the law%26quot; excuse. Is it because americans are scared of illegals taking the more then the minimum wage jobs? And going for the desk job?

There%26#039;s always two sides to a coin, and I always like to see why people realy disagree with something.

How long does it take for you to recieve your student loan money?

I got approved to recieve money back for my student loan and It will be sent to my school Monday April 3. How long does it take for them to pay my classes for this quarter off to pay me the rest of the funds that are left?

How long does it take for you to recieve your student loan money?

if u are approved by the federal government, your schools approval comes next and they usually are the reason for delay because of accounting or other reasons - usually u should get the check before or after the first week of school - some schools will not send the checks until they are sure of student enrollment and attendance

How long does it take for you to recieve your student loan money?

I usually get my loan checks sent to me about a week prior to the quarter starting.

How long does it take for you to recieve your student loan money?

about 30 days

How long does it take for you to recieve your student loan money?

In my neighborhood usually a week before classes start we receive our book money.

Then at approximately a month into the semester we receive the balance of our Financial Aid allocation for the semester. Jose

Where can i get a private loan without a co-signer for college?

I am going to a private school but I need more funds. My credit is average, My FICO is a 640, but I have no one to co-sign- NO ONE! ,,so dont say find a co-signer, been there, tried that. What companies are known for giving private loans to students with not so good credit and no co-signer? HELP!

Where can i get a private loan without a co-signer for college?

Smaller, local banks are your best bet. They are more willing to help out the little guy, as they are more one-on-one.

Where can i get a private loan without a co-signer for college?

Sadly enough I am in the same situation. I need around $40K for pilot school. I applied for this loan through Sallie Mae and was denied. However they approved me for $5000. And that was when I didn%26#039;t even have a job. So if $5K helps go to Sallie Mae.

There%26#039;s just something about banks that they are stingy with their money. You would think that an education should be worth more than a car. But I guess they can%26#039;t repossess your education if you default on your loan. If you need more then I%26#039;d say we might be outta luck. However, if you find something else out, please let me know.

Needing advice-Ladies-what should I do?

am 23 yrs old and working 2 full time jobs.I graduated from college in May this yr., but some really complicated stuff happened with the grad. school I was applying to attend (application packet lost in mailroom at the school). So I have been working to pay off some of my undergrad debt (credit cards, loans etc) while waiting to start grad. school for social work in January.

I at times am depressed because since I am either literally at work or asleep, I have no time for a life. I was wondering, should I try to have something right now, even though I have very little time to do anything at all, or should I just sit on the sidelines until January? What would you think if you found yourself being on the other end of this? Would you be disappointed %26amp; move on, or like hey in a month or so we could try, take it really really slow right now.

I at times I flat out hate my life right now and find myself counting down days on the calendar often, almost like a prison/probation sentence

Needing advice-Ladies-what should I do?

you seem very smart and hard working. maybe there%26#039;s someone at work that you%26#039;ve had your eye on. go for her, don%26#039;t be afraid!

Best way to finance $4000?

I hear the best thing for me to do would be a auto secured loan, but the title is in my moms name. She is reluctant because she is scared i would loose it. My brother is a loan officer at Chase, but sometimes i get the feeling he cares more about getting PVCs then helping me. He suggested a $4000 credit card. I really wanted a term loan to help my credit score (its 684 by the way). I think a personal loan would be best. Anyone else have any suggestions? Im a 21 yr old college student by the way...if that matters. This loan would not be for school by the way.

Best way to finance $4000?

a personal loan would probably be your best choice. with an auto loan there is a chance you might lose the vehicle and with a credit card the interest rate may be high or even if you have a good low interest rate it can go up if you are late with a payment.

Best way to finance $4000?

Go for personal loan ..,

Best way to finance $4000?

no on the credit card, the interest is too high.. unless you get one for zero % but your age getting a 4k limit, i%26#039;m sure on a limited income wont happen

if it%26#039;s not for school or a car.. it throws a lot of loans out of the window.. your best bet is probably a personally loan honestly..

Best way to finance $4000?

credit cards would be okay IF the interest rate is good. other wise, i would check out a credit union or another low interest option.

How does someone with little or no credit get a student loan??

My parents can%26#039;t pay for my school yet FAFSA decided they make too much money for me to get any grants or low interest loans. My dad won%26#039;t let my mom co-sign anything for me and I don%26#039;t have any credit yet since I only graduated from high school last year. So what do I do??

How does someone with little or no credit get a student loan??

FIRST - talk to the financial aid people at the school you want to attend. They can work miracles sometimes and know all the ins and outs of the system.


It would probably be best for you to work toward being an independant student. That would mean your parents would not be able to claim you on their tax returns (and frankly, if your dad won%26#039;t help you get an education, why should you give him the benefit of claiming you as a deduction), but you would be able to get subsidized, guaranteed loans once you establish your independence.

You may need to wait a year before you go to college, but in the mean time, get a job, a low cost apartment (maybe a roommate in a college town where you want to go to school) and start building up credit by getting store credit cards. Spend a little on the card every month, and pay it off in full. That will give you a credit history you can use when you apply for student loans.

How does someone with little or no credit get a student loan??

apply for it. If you need, see if your parents will cosign. If not, apply for some grants, you shouldn%26#039;t be denied education because you have no credit.

How does someone with little or no credit get a student loan??

they dont look at your credit for school loans but if you default in your school loans that could give really, really bad credit. But the rates are pretty good.

How does someone with little or no credit get a student loan??

easy u dont

How does someone with little or no credit get a student loan??

This opportunity is perfect for students but it wont help as quickly as you woud want.

How does someone with little or no credit get a student loan??

Modify your FAFSA and file it without your parents financial information. The parent%26#039;s income section is optional and it changes your EFC (expected family contribution) code. If your parents are in a higher income bracket, the EFC makes you ineligible for grants, etc. If you have been working throughout high school, use only your tax information and you should qualify for Subsidized loans and Pell Grants which will be sent directly to your school.

How does someone with little or no credit get a student loan??

Move out of your house and claim emancipation from your parents. By doing this, you are no longer in their household and can apply on your own merit.

You can also attend a community college which is less expensive because it is usually state and federally subsidized on tuition. Some have payment plans.

You can go part time.

I don%26#039;t know why this law isn%26#039;t changed with FAFSA because how can somebody else be responsible for your debt.

How does someone with little or no credit get a student loan??

This is a good question. First off, if your folks claim you as a dependent, they would need to remain on your FAFSA. My folks contributed nothing to my education, though based on the governments expectations I should have lived in an ivory tower eating caviar, instead of a rat hole eating ramen. Speak with the university that you intend to go to and thier financial aid department. There are lenders that will give you the money, nelnet, educaid, wachovia, etc. If you have bank where you handle your checking (assuming that you havent bounced a dozen checks or so) you can go there to see if they will lend.

In most cases the school will help you to secure a lender. Just remain persistent. You can also purchase books on independent grants and scholarships, then take a weekend and fill out dozens of applications to see what you might get (maybe nothing, but nothing ventured nothing gained).

Best of luck...

How does someone with little or no credit get a student loan??

What state do you live in ..that has a bearing on the banking rules......if you do not have any credit (NO bad credit exists) you apply for a gov%26#039;t student loan and show that you have decent grades and can present good entrance scores for college ----go to your local junior college and talk to the %26quot;counselor%26quot; ....that is free and the best place for correct answers to your problem----- don%26#039;t discuss this with your parents because they already do not believe in you or your college pursuit----- tell them what the facts are after your investigations ( go to more than one college counselor (different school) if you don%26#039;t agree with the first.....good studies...Wally

How does someone with little or no credit get a student loan??

Stafford Loans are school loans tht don%26#039;t need to repaid until you graduate (assuming you keep up the required credit load) and are they are available to just about anyone. You can research them on-line and you bank or school should have tons of information on them.

These types of loans don%26#039;t look into your credit because they know you don%26#039;t have an established history yet.

How does someone with little or no credit get a student loan??

You parents were supposed to save for your college education.

Seems like you are on your own.

I suggest you to get a job and save every penny.

How does someone with little or no credit get a student loan??

I give out loan to students{student loan}Business Men and women who are into Business transaction at low interest rate of 3%, I give out long term loan for three to five years maximum with your interest in this you can as well tell me the amount you need so that I send to you the terms and condition that is if you are realing interested in getting a loan from me, Loan is given out in Pounds and $US the maximum I give is 5,000,000 both in pounds and $US and the minimum 2,000 pounds and US$ so if really you are interested mail for more info on how the loan can be transfered to you. There is one Question i have to ask are a serious individual that we take a loan and pay back after duration with the interest, if you are honest I will trust you because I like to do business with Honest people if you are one you will get the loan with out problem and for your information if you should more loan like $10,000,000m I can give only if you are one of these cartigories:

Manager of a company

A private Holder

A broker in banks

A director in any office or company

A high investor of and compay

If you are one of the following you can get $10,000,000US as loan or if personal loan you can request for 5,000-5,000,000 as loan. hope to here from you soon.

Name In full____________ ____________

Occupation___ _______________ ______

Counry_____ _______________ _______

State____ _______________ _________

City___ _______________ ___________

Zip code:__ _______________________

Phone Number ____________________

Sex _______________ ______________

send these info it is important. Mind you loans is given to every part of the world only if i see you to be honest and will pay back after duration. If you are interested you have to send the amount you need as loan so that i can give you the terms and condition on the loan for your information loan are given to every part of the world on honest people so if you are honest apply for the loan now. email


Should I take out a student loan or just find a full-time job?

I%26#039;ll have to make at least $1,000 to pay for rent and bills, etc. I figured I could work full-time and definitely make this much. But with a full-time course load--it might be overkill. Should I take out student loans instead?

So far I%26#039;ve been paying for college out of pocket. I%26#039;ve got 2 years of Undergrad and 1 Year after that of Grad school left until I%26#039;m done with college.

Should I take out a student loan or just find a full-time job?

This is what I think, if you are making decent grades while you are going to school and working. Do not take any loan money if you really do not need it. The key word is LOAN you have to pay all loans back on time or another. If you can keep going as you are you can make it. I am going through the same situation, so I understand.

Should I take out a student loan or just find a full-time job?

For the Undergrad, you can use the FAFSA * ) to get grants and loans. Grants don%26#039;t need to be repayed. You should definately talk to somebody at the financial aid office at your school for information.

Should I take out a student loan or just find a full-time job?

I%26#039;m in the same situation and just decided to take a loan because I know sooner or later it would make me sick to work full time and study full time. In the same time, I%26#039;m applying to scholarships here and there. Even if you win a small one, it%26#039;s worth it and reduces your loan amount.

Why did the news leave out the new student loan tax bill uses money from cuts that were inacted by 1

Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, the media just loves to give names to the different Congresses. I think that they should call this one the Hold-Onto-Your-Wallet Congress, because they are definitely coming to a wallet near you and it is going to be yours. During their first 100 hours, which is seeming to never end, they are spending billions of dollars of the American taxpayers%26#039; money on, guess what, bigger government, right here in Washington. They are not sending that money back to the local communities. And today they are going to have their student loan bill up.

Here are some facts. They would have you believe that we have slashed student loans and it is just not true.

Here is a fact. In a shocking display of hypocrisy, Democrat leaders are paying for their $6 billion plus plan with some of the same lender subsidy cuts crafted by congressional Republicans in the 109th Congress.

Here is another fact. House Republicans have committed a record $13 billion for Pell Grants, a two-thirds increase over the past decade. Go look it up.

Another fact. To the tune of more than $4 billion over 5 years, congressional Republicans established the first-ever grant program for high-achieving Pell students in their first and second years of college.

It is a fact. Republicans have a solid record of helping students get and stay in school.

Why did the news leave out the new student loan tax bill uses money from cuts that were inacted by 109th?

This plan is a load of crap anyway. It lowers the interest on student loans about 3% gradually over the next two years, then stabilizes it for six months and then returns it to current rates. There will be very little benefit as a result of this bill.

I am not sure why Republicans would want to claim this stupid bill and idea as thier own.

Why did the news leave out the new student loan tax bill uses money from cuts that were inacted by 109th?

hmmm,liberal bias maybe?

Why did the news leave out the new student loan tax bill uses money from cuts that were inacted by 109th?

since when is some neocon grandstanding in Congress news?

Why did the news leave out the new student loan tax bill uses money from cuts that were inacted by 109th?

Damn liberal media.

Why did the news leave out the new student loan tax bill uses money from cuts that were inacted by 109th?

What good is a decrease in student loan rates when the cost of a college education keeps going up? They still end up owing more. They would have been better off receiving more pell grants.

Why did the news leave out the new student loan tax bill uses money from cuts that were inacted by 109th?

Don%26#039;t forget the fact the House has worked to repeal several of the outrageous tax breaks and loopholes enjoyed by corporate America.

Why did the news leave out the new student loan tax bill uses money from cuts that were inacted by 109th?

Nice bit of diversion and outright lying there con. Like anybody believes cons give a crap about anyone but themselves.

Why did the news leave out the new student loan tax bill uses money from cuts that were inacted by 109th?

liberals lie, plain and simple

Why did the news leave out the new student loan tax bill uses money from cuts that were inacted by 109th?

most of us middle class folks aren%26#039;t eligible for grants. Most of us don%26#039;t have the kind of money it takes to send our kids through college. The best we can hope for are low interest loans.

Why did the news leave out the new student loan tax bill uses money from cuts that were inacted by 109th?

How true! Those Democrats are taking taxpayer money the Bush admiistration was giving to needy Americans like the oil companies and giving it to poor students who don%26#039;t even have a billlion to their name! Disgusting, isn%26#039;t it. You%26#039;d think they actually care about the sheep--er, I mean people!

Why did the news leave out the new student loan tax bill uses money from cuts that were inacted by 109th?

agreed...republicans lowered rates 4 years ago (not the 109th) so i don%26#039;t understand why reps are mad, now that dems are doing the same thing? And I asked 3 questions yesterday on this and didn%26#039;t get an answer

Why did the news leave out the new student loan tax bill uses money from cuts that were inacted by 109th?

try this site if your student loan feels like a huge burden.. they%26#039;ll help you lower your payments.

If I failed all my classes, will I lose my student loan?

I started school in the Fall 07 semester. Due to personal problems, I stopped attending and will be failing all of my 12 credit hours. I received a student loan to cover fall and spring semesters, and I am worried that even though the loan is already approved, I won%26#039;t be able to use it for spring. I would really like to start over this spring, and have found a way to work around my previous problem. If anyone knows how student loans work when you fail everything, please let me know. *Really worried about it!*

If I failed all my classes, will I lose my student loan?

you will still receive your studen loan....

if anything like that should happen again, see if you can drop the class, at least that way you wont bring your gpa down that bad....

If I failed all my classes, will I lose my student loan?

as long as you are not getting kicked out of college you will still get your student loan. They are not like scholarships with gpa requirments. If you do fail out you wont get anymore student loans and have to start paying them all back after 6 monhts.

If I failed all my classes, will I lose my student loan?

Of corse you can keep your student loan. Its not like a scholorship where you had to have good grades to get it. A loan is money and money only. It has nothing to do with your grades!

But try harder in spring

If I failed all my classes, will I lose my student loan?

I believe they will review it after spring semester, but with you failing all of them, its gonna be hard to bring your GPA up.

If I failed all my classes, will I lose my student loan?

You may not lose your student loan, but if you don%26#039;t pull your grades up you will lose any FAFSA funding.

If I failed all my classes, will I lose my student loan?

Talk to your school. The money should not be an issue, but you may be able to bankrupt this semester and it won%26#039;t count against your GPA and will not show on your transcript.If your school does not allow this, see if you can take the classes as incomplete. As a last resort, most schools (not all, but most) also allow you to replace any F%26#039;s or D%26#039;s with a better grade if you retake it (it still shows on your transcript, but is not figured into your GPA).

Should I accept a subsidized student loan and put it in savings?

I was awarded about $2000 in subsidized loans this year by FAFSA. I decided I didn%26#039;t need them, but then I thought of this:

Would it be better to just take the money and put it in a CD or something, and then just pay if off right away when I graduate? Will there be any sort of interest or anything on the money if I pay it off right away? If I keep the money in my money market account, I could make about 200 bucks just in a couple years while I%26#039;m still in school.

Should I accept a subsidized student loan and put it in savings?

If you don%26#039;t need the loans, don%26#039;t take the loans. Although they are subsidized, they do accrue interest when you graduate and there is a fee for taking the loan. The fee for taking the loans would be more than the interest you could earn.

Should I accept a subsidized student loan and put it in savings?

With subsidized loans the government pays the interest while you%26#039;re in school, so you wouldn%26#039;t have to pay any if you paid it back right away when you graduate.

I need a $27,000 student loan...?

I will be starting nursing school in August 08. The 2-year program is very rigorous and I will only be able to work about 12 hours a week; not nearly enough to cover my living expenses. I have estimated that I will need about $27,000 to pay for living expenses over two years. My FICO score is 740 and I already have $20,000 in student loans but no other debt. Would it be best to apply for the full $27K at one time or apply for $13,500 each year?

I need a $27,000 student loan...?

$13500 per year. That way interest isn%26#039;t accumulating each year on money that you%26#039;re not even using. Take it as you need it and you%26#039;ll save money in the long run.

I need a $27,000 student loan...?

I would apply in installments. It will save you interest expense because you won%26#039;t be charged interest on the full 27,000 for the full term. I don%26#039;r know how hard it is to get student funding but it seems to me that the multiple funding would be the way to go. Congratulations on nursing school. That is great!

I need a $27,000 student loan...?

My girl is a dialysis tech and is going to nursing school and the place that she works for is PAYING for her schooling. So get you a job as a tech at a dialysis institute and get free schooling do some calling around and tell me what you find on this. Good luck.

I need a $27,000 student loan...?

financial aid

I need a $27,000 student loan...?

Have you applied for the federal loan program to see what grants you can get from the federal gov%26#039;t or state gov%26#039;t. If not, then fill out the application. You can also get a Coverdell student loan through any bank. These allow you to defer payment until after graduation.

Should I stay home or move out?

I%26#039;m in my second year of college and my original plan was to go here for 2 years while living at home,save money and transfer to a university in another city.But my college is a really good school that offers degrees, and has great opportunities. I%26#039;m traveling abroad for pennies this year becuase of it, and next year my same club is going to China, and this is a club of people going into my career and in the trips you network with other people in your career field. Also the profs are really great, and becuase of the small class size i%26#039;m doing great and have gotten scholarships every year becuase of it! I%26#039;ve saved enough money to avoid student loans so far, and still work during school to keep it that way.I%26#039;ve met great people and have a social life,but I hate living at home. I want to go to a new and cxciting city, adventure, and just finally be free. Is freedom worth leaving a good school? My city is really expensive to live in,a friend lives in a room in a basemnet for $400 a month.

Should I stay home or move out?

Its really about making yourself comfortable. I mean it sounds like you have it great being at home, but trust me I KNOW about the call of freedom...its hard to ignore. Best I can say is weigh the pros and cons....can you really afford school and to move out with all the bills and not take out student loans? If you moved out would you have to work more hours? If you worked more hours would you still be able to socialize? I would think it would be hard to pay rent and study abroad at the same time........

I live on my own and have for years......I transfer in Fall of 08. Im moving back home because I would rather have that rent in my pocket than to spend it on rent just for the sake of being %26quot;free%26quot;....but I also weighed the pros and cons for myself before making that choice.........moving in with my mom won by a hair.

Should I stay home or move out?

Well, what your doing now is great, but keep in mind, that having a truly exciting college experience may be worth taking out some student loans. However, if you%26#039;re happy with your current college, and it keeps you out of debt, you should really think about sticking to it. If you%26#039;re planning on getting an advanced degree/going to grad school, that might be the time to venture out. good luck. I%26#039;m sure whatever decision you%26#039;ll make will work out.

Should I stay home or move out?

Do not leave home. Live at home and work, put that money away so when you do move out you can put a downpayment on a house. In many places the cost of an apartment is not much less than a house payment and you don%26#039;t have anything to show for it. Paying on a house builds equity, while renting is just throwing money away. Take advantage of the situation you have now to take the time to save. One of the biggest mistakes students make is to graduate with a bunch of student loans. Do you really want to spend years working and paying on loans for school when you could live at home and be debt free when you move out. Think about it.

Should I stay home or move out?

STAY HOME,its real hard u know to pay rent AND etc trust me i did the same but i actually ran away and ther was NO1 there for me

Hate my life right now, need advice-what should I do?

I am 23 yrs old and working 2 full time jobs.I graduated from college in May this yr., but some really complicated stuff happened with the grad. school I was applying to attend (application packet lost in mailroom at the school). So I have been working to pay off some of my undergrad debt (credit cards, loans etc) while waiting to start grad. school for social work in January.

I at times am depressed because since I am either literally at work or asleep, I have no time for a life. I was wondering, should I try to have something right now, even though I have very little time to do anything at all, or should I just sit on the sidelines until January?

I at times I flat out hate my life right now and find myself counting down days on the calendar often, almost like a prison/probation sentence.

Hate my life right now, need advice-what should I do?

Try going to a yoga session or go to a nice loud club to loosin yourself up.don%26#039;t worry about it if you need to talk just e-mail me for any other advice...but don%26#039;t give up so easy.

When should I try to finish my degree?

I am 22yrs old, and I am working on getting my degree in marketing. I have the better half of 2 years left to finish. My wife has 2 years left to finish her degree in education. In June, my wife gave birth to our first son and neither of us are going back to school this year. I dont want to be stuck working minimum wage all my life, but I don%26#039;t know when I could go back to college! We have many things to pay for right now, and going to school doesn%26#039;t help with the bills. We are starting to have to pay back loans and are falling into debt!

Should we both go back to school in the spring and try to get loans large enough to cover our expenses since we wont be working?

Should I continue to work full time and make her finish her degree first?

Any suggestions?

When should I try to finish my degree?

if it was me i would pray about it. . and go back to school the 2 of you and just pray to God. i no hes worked alot of things out in my life and i dident see how he could. . but he did! as long ad you trust in him and pray about it he will help you through it no matter what..hope this helps you..

When should I try to finish my degree?

I would try it in the spring, yes.

It%26#039;s going to be tough, and if I were you I would take my time and get a full time job, being a part-time student instead. Don%26#039;t get yourself in debt by taking out a loan.

When should I try to finish my degree?

online classes will make this WHOLE thing so much easier!

take as many as you can online then finish up whatever has to be done in class later.

good luck honey!~ and congrats to you and your wife on the baby!

When should I try to finish my degree?

Now is the best. Minimize any delay. The sooner you get your degree, the sooner you will earn more to support your family.

When should I try to finish my degree?

If you can afford it, you should both go back in the Spring. If that is not an option, whomever makes the most money should work whilst the other works part-time and get their degree.

When should I try to finish my degree?

Most student loan vendors will allow you to have %26quot;in-school deferral%26quot; as long as you are taking at least 6 credits. Maybe either you or your wife can take 2 classes in the fall in order to keep chipping away at that education and to have your loans deferred in the meantime.

Also, look into forbearances. Many student loan vendors will allow for at least a 6 month forbearance, sometimes more if you can claim financial hardships. Student loan vendors are very flexible with payment schedules, you may be able to work something out with them to get your payments lowered substantially.

College is always there. You can go back at any time. You can%26#039;t struggle now that you have a child to think of. Do what you have to do, call the student loan vendors and explain your situation, I guarantee they will work with you.

On the flip side, if you own a house, perhaps you can refinance the house and take out enough in a Home Equity Line of Credit to pay off one or both of your student loan debts.

Either way, take care of your family will come, in due time.

Good luck!

When should I try to finish my degree?

If you are enrolled as a student they usually don%26#039;t try to collect on your loans so that can be a help. Which one of you is more likely to have a steady well paying job? That is the person who should go back to school first so that they can help to pay for the next one.

Debt in private schools versus public schools.?

I am going to grad school for a law degree, and I really want to go to Stanford. Consequently, it is approximately 50 grand a year. I have heard a lot of mixed advice on what to do. I guess what my question is, is the debt worth it to go to a private school, at least one as prestigeous as Stanford. Or would I get equal educational experience AND opportunities for going to a public university, say Cal or UCLA? I do not want to get myself into $100,000+ debt if I can get the same thing for significantly less. My personal argument has always been that Stanford has always been somthing I have dreamt about, and if I want it, I can have it and shouldn%26#039;t worry TOO much about the loans it will take. Idk, what do you think?

Debt in private schools versus public schools.?

In my opinion, its your education and your preference where you acquire your education from. I know that Stanford is a REALLY good school; well worth the money. But, UCLA is really good too. The difference in the two is one is private which will be more expensive and the other is public....But for both of them to be on the top 25 of America%26#039;s Best Universities should speak for something...


Sometimes, private universities and colleges are worth it if you%26#039;re looking for a smaller teacher to student ratio and such... Ultimately, the decision is up to you %26amp; what you prefer your degree to read: %26quot;Stanford University%26quot; or University of California, Los Angeles.%26quot;

Debt in private schools versus public schools.?

I would really really weight in my options, I opted out of Cal and UCSD because of money when G.E%26#039;s are cheaper yet the same at CSUF. If you can get the same at UCLA or CAL I would do it because both are respected names. I do not know how well their law is but If i was you I would look into it. If Stanford is really your dream go for, but makes sure you are not getting yourself into a dept your future job can%26#039;t get you out of. Lawers make good money, depending on the type you are, they also are a dime a dozen which makes it harder to make good money, meaning longer to pay off school depts. I would go to CAL, they are a great school just as ranked as Stanford, maybe not as notable, but just as good.

Debt in private schools versus public schools.?

It%26#039;ll be more like $250,000 by the time you get your JD

The Diploma will be pretigious and might get you into a NYC based Fortune 500 company.

But to be frank UCLA is also held quite high.

I have a friend who went to the San Fernando College of Law, a very small school with no name and he%26#039;s doing quite well after all these years.

I have another friend you didn%26#039;t even graduate with a BA and he became a Para Legal doing Workman%26#039;s Comp and did it for 7 years on one side of the room and 7+ years on the other side and he%26#039;s making at least $50K which is typical %26quot;local%26quot; assocaites pay for a graduate JD in a small law firm fresh from Law school.

UCLA will cost you about $100,000 including books IF your family resides in California (they go by your FAMILY address).

They have a very nice law library plus there is always the LA County Law Library in Downtown to draw from.

Debt in private schools versus public schools.?

A law degree is much different than any other grad degree. Where you go is VERY important if you want to work in the corporate world. If you can get into Standford, go there instead of UCLA. If you are talking about USC vs. UCLA, they are the same level for law school so it shouldn%26#039;t matter, save money and go to UCLA.

Yes, you will be in more debt (well over 100K) but you will also be making well over 100K your first year. However, if you aren%26#039;t going into corporate law, you may want to talk to alumni from schools like UCLA to see where they are at in their career. I have some great, true life examples of people I know:

My friend, Lana, she got accepted into Northwestern, Chicago, USC, and Kent for law school. Kent gave her a full 3-year scholarship and she accepted, thinking %26quot;what a great deal! No debt after law school!%26quot; Well, after her first year in law school, she regretted her choice. She tried to get internships in high level law firms in Chicago during the summer, but even with her high GPA, she didn%26#039;t get a good response. She got some responses from low level firms. She learned that big, high level firms only like to hire students from the %26quot;big%26quot; name schools. If she had chosen any of the other schools, it would have been a step higher than Kent. Now that she is done with law school and passed the bar, she is looking at various opportunities outside of the Chicago area because all of the big firms will not take her (even though she finished top 5% of her class). It%26#039;s been 6 months but she%26#039;s looking for a job. She can probably find a job if she wanted 60-70K salary but she is aiming higher. If you look at the big firm websites, they list the lawyers%26#039; names, what school they attended, etc. The big firms usually want to show that all of the attorneys went to Ivy league or equivalent schools.

Another friend, Cindy, she went to Columbia Law School. She had passing grades in law school. Summer internships were easy to find...the big name companies come on campus to recruit them. She now works at a big law firm. Starting salary was $150K. She now makes over 250K. (Her student loans were about 160K)

My brother went to University of Hawaii. It is the best known law school there. He finished, passed the bar, and he clerked for a judge for one year after law school because of his low grades. He is now working for one of the biggest law firms in Honolulu and makes a little over 100K.

My friend James went to a law school (I don%26#039;t even know the;s near Cal State Fullerton) and barely passed his classes and the bar. He worked for a personal injury law firm. He turned out to be one of the best attorneys in the firm. After 10-12 years, he built a name for himself and now he has his own law firm, makes a couple of millions a year (he won%26#039;t disclose how much he makes!) and living his dream.

In conclusion, I personally think you should reach for the top school if you are going for corporate law. The doors will be wide open for you just because you went to a big name school. Of course, UCLA is a great choice too and it%26#039;s in the top 20 for law school but when an employer sees Standford on your resume vs another student from UCLA, they will look at your resume first.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes!

Debt in private schools versus public schools.?

The reputation of your law program will have a big influence on determining where you work. Small firms (less money) will take any graduate from just about any law program, while bigger firms (more money) and companies (like Yahoo, Microsoft etc...) tend to go for the graduates from better law schools first.

You might not get as much opportunities if you go to a public school (vs going to a private school) Most of the top law schools are private and firms tend to recruit from the top law schools first, then if they need or want to recruit more, then wil go to other schools. The education at public schools might not be equal as well cuz it is in the schools%26#039; interest to uphold their prestige so they will hire great professors and give their students the best education they can give, so that the top firms will keep on coming to them first.

I think you should just aim for Stanford and not those public schools. You will probably have more internship opportunities and meet more recruiters on campus than you would at a pubilc school. Dont worry about the loans. Lawyers in general make a good amount of money (especially corporate lawyers) and if you plan a budget and stick with it, you will have that debt under control. AIM FOR STANFORD AND NOT CAL OR UCLA.

Does anyone know a place where i can get a bad credit student loan because i need one now so i can p

my summer school? So if you could give the name of the banks, website or whatever it would be very helpful to me. I been seeing websites talk about bad credit private student loans but i could never find so are there really bad credit private student loans or is this something that is made up? And I%26#039;m looking for lenders in the U.S.A. not across seas because i%26#039;m not trying to pay a residential fee to get this loan matter of fact im not trying to pay any thing to get it and also I want to have my payments deferred until 6 months after I graduate which will be May 2008.

Does anyone know a place where i can get a bad credit student loan because i need one now so i can pay for?

Your best bet would be to talk to the financial aide person at your school.

Does anyone know a place where i can get a bad credit student loan because i need one now so i can pay for?

i got one last year through

also try education one.

good luck!

Does anyone know a place where i can get a bad credit student loan because i need one now so i can pay for?

Anybody can have a bad credit record. Mistakes do happen. But what we should do is not to repeat the mistakes.

Follow the same advice when it comes to loans. If you have a bad credit history, then go for a bad credit loan. It is a feasible loan option to let you fulfill your financial goals. A bad credit history can include arrears, defaults, bankruptcies, County Court Judgments etc.

Usually, adverse credit loans are given as .....

I have been trying to find a co signer for a college loan but no luck.?

I am a single parent of two girls, and wont be getting my next federal loans until first of September. I am out of work due to surgery and bills are mounting and cant find a co signer anywhere. Does anyone know of a place that would give a college loan to someone with bad credit? I am flat broke and need help bad. I go back to work in September but my school Beuna Vista since my classes are here in Newton I cant get perkins etc. Anyway does anyone know of any loan programs that help folks with bad credit? I need help, and need a co signer or help bad, not sure what to do.


I have been trying to find a co signer for a college loan but no luck.?

Have you looked into grants and other programs for low income and temporary disability etc.. There are a lot of scholarships that go to waste every year also. You can look for those on the net. You would be surprised how much money is out there. Everyone qualifies for some type of scholarship. Sounds like you should stay away from the loans. With your current financial situation, a loan would only put you in further debt.

I have been trying to find a co signer for a college loan but no luck.?

you should definitely try this http://www.consolidation-fixed... They have a lot of good resource for reducing your college loan by half. Report It

I have been trying to find a co signer for a college loan but no luck.?

Try your local lottery organization. This depends on your age though.

Also, there%26#039;s a program out there that helps 2 women from each state with scholarships - I don%26#039;t remember the name of the program, but %26quot;google%26quot; it and see if you can find it.

I hope you do!

Trade, Vocational, Technical Schools. Please Help!?

Ok, here%26#039;s my deal. I recently stopped working about a year ago %26amp; have been staying at home with my kids. My youngest will be starting school in about a year and I plan on going back to work. I was in the mortgage industry and was making $16/hr. I don閳ユ獩 want to return to that industry. I have been considering a trade school. I have NO IDEA what I want to do. My heart is with cooking/ baking but I don閳ユ獩 need to LOVE what I do. What are some vocational programs that take 6 months to 2 years to complete and pay decently (obviously equal to or greater than my mortgage job). I don閳ユ獩 want a ton of student loans after this is all said and done.

Another thing, what is the pay ranges that people make in the medical or computer industries? I know people that are medical billers making $14 an hour, yet they 閳ユ笒now閳?someone making $23. What is the min/max pay for some of these vocational jobs?

What are the pros and cons of these jobs and taking these courses? ? What schools are good,which aren%26#039;t?

Trade, Vocational, Technical Schools. Please Help!?

Check out

Click on the Occupational Outlook Handbook link. It%26#039;s in the left-hand column towards the middle. From there you can find info on salary- national and state statistics.

Registered nursing would most likely make you the most money. You can get your ADN in about 2 years, after your prerequisites, of course. Every shcool is different. Thay make around $18 - $25 per hour, depending on experience and whether you work in a hospital, doctor%26#039;s office, etc.

Trade, Vocational, Technical Schools. Please Help!?

You can also check out Ashworth University -- they%26#039;ve got a wide selection of courses and you can participate online, so you can keep a flexible schedule. Hope this helps! Report It

I have next to NO money and I want to go train to be a heavy machine operator, how can i get money f

I am very interested in becoming a heavy machine operator as a life long career. School and training sounds great. Only one problem....I have next to no money to go to school to train. I have heard about career loans and student loans but I have horrible credit and would NEVER have a chance of acceptance fo a loan. I need some kind of advise or guidance of what I can do that will help me get into training. I don%26#039;t know much about the grants that could help me any in this situation. But anything you know or even might know about...if you would be so kind as to help me find some kind of financial assistance it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

I have next to NO money and I want to go train to be a heavy machine operator, how can i get money for it?

Hmmmm...that%26#039;s a good question. You could look for an apprenticeship, but they are hard to find. Check out this article:

A lot of times if you borrow from the Govt. (FAFSA) it%26#039;s okay if you have bad credit.

Good luck to you.

UPDATE: Here%26#039;s an article from the same site that talks about getting financial aid with bad credit:

Should I transfer schools to double major or wait?

I am an English major but would really love to double major with Studio Art. However, my school doesn%26#039;t offer a B.A. for Studio Art, only a B.F.A. so it%26#039;s not possible here to double major like I want to. I could just minor in art, but looking at the requirements it wouldn%26#039;t cover enough classes for my personal satisfaction. To double major, I%26#039;d have to finish up at another university. Or, I could wait until I graduate from this school and then enter a program elsewhere, however I wouldn%26#039;t be able to get FAFSA Pell grants any longer then since they don%26#039;t give them for second bachelor%26#039;s degrees. I have student loans but starting this next fall I%26#039;ll be getting Pell grants to cover all of my tuition because my dependent status is changing to independent and I don%26#039;t make much money at all. Yet, graduate then *poof* no more grants for me if I want to go someplace else unless I bet on funding from the school itself.

I REALLY want to study art. Hmm. What do you think I should do.

Should I transfer schools to double major or wait?

I really think you should study what you REALLY want to study. Have you considered going for a MFA in studio art part time after you graduate? If you work full time and go to school part time, you might have it both ways. Just a suggestion.

Best of luck, and let us know when you become famous. :-D

Should I transfer schools to double major or wait?

Unless the program you want to enter after you graduate offers a lot of financial aid, I would say transfer so you can double major. Besides, you only have a limited number of years to live, why would you want to spend more of it in school when you can do twice the work in half the time for half the price? You haven%26#039;t really mentioned any disadvantages to transferring, so I think that%26#039;s your best course of action.

Should I transfer schools to double major or wait?

Not snide? Okay, fine. Blunt, however, was not proscribed on your posting. DO NOT DOUBLE MAJOR!!! Graduate with English. I did. Then I went on to law school. It%26#039;s not glamourous, but it is a B.A. Then, go to art school. You do not want two B.A. degrees. If you actually do, then have at it. It really does not make sense, though. Even not having any art education should not hold you back from pursuing graduate studies or some %26quot;Academy%26quot;-type setting for further pursuits in the area of your passion. Good luck! Enjoy life in the meantime. These glory days will pass you by if you don%26#039;t.

What can i do if my private loan apps keep getting declined?

i just recently found out my tuition isn%26#039;t fully covered by grants and federal loans. i will be a freshmen. and i have a bill of 15,000 a year. i%26#039;m getting nervous cuz i move into school this friday.

What can i do if my private loan apps keep getting declined?

See if your school has a payment plan option. If not, get you a job and save like crazy.

What can i do if my private loan apps keep getting declined?

When did you find all this out? Should have been working on this a long time ago. Contact all the Civic Organizations around and see what they say. Your guidance counselor should have been working with you on this, long before now. Did you apply for a PELL grant? Go to the library and look it up. Click on this website and you%26#039;ll find some info.

Good luck, hope you get some assistance?

Will financial advisers help a new grad with no assets to plan a way out of student loan debt? Who i

I am graduating from law school, and, contrary to what everyone says, most lawyers don%26#039;t make a lot of money. I have about $150,000 in student loans, and they are all over the place. Some are subsidized government loans with low, fixed interest rates. Some are private loans with high variable rates. I need to figure out which loans should be consolidated, how to get low monthly payments, and when I should start saving.

My question is: which financial advisers are the best for helping to get out of debt? Is there anyone who specializes in student loans?

Answers relevant to Cleveland, Ohio would be nice, but not necessary if it%26#039;s a big, national firm.

Will financial advisers help a new grad with no assets to plan a way out of student loan debt? Who is best?

Most financial advisors specialize in growing your assets and planning how much you need to invest to reach certain goals. It sounds like you need advice on debt management and budgeting.

Check out some articles on CNN Money%26#039;s website, personal finance. There are articles under %26quot;Money 101%26quot; that give you good advice on money management. Because you have debt instead of assets, a financial advisor would charge you roughly $2,500 per year to give you advice that you can figure out yourself.

Also, feel free to ask questions on this site. There are plenty of advisors like myself that will answer quick questions for you for free.

Will financial advisers help a new grad with no assets to plan a way out of student loan debt? Who is best?

The student loan companies should be able to give you information on consolidating subsized loans. I%26#039;m not sure about the private loans.

Will financial advisers help a new grad with no assets to plan a way out of student loan debt? Who is best?

Financial advisers are available at hourly rates like some other occupations. Also, they will screw you just like other occupations.

Be careful of conflicts of the adviser. In other words, he/she may work for ABC Financial Advisers and try to sell you securities thru their BAC Company they may be worried about making more money for themselves. You need someone that has YOUR best interest at heart, not their own.

Check around with successful friends and acquaintances to get advice on the best adviser. Also, look up financial advisers on the Internet just to get an idea of the different levels. i.e. CFP (Certified Financial Planner), etc.

Best of luck


Will bad credit affect FAFSA eligibility and getting aid?

I%26#039;m 23 and paying off debt that I acquired a few years ago. The places I owe are the university i was attending, a bank, some check n go loan places, and few small medical fees and one returned check. I was never able to get Fafsa%26#039;s financial aid before without a parent co-signing for a loan, which never happened (thus all the debt trying to work and go to school....) I was wondering if 1) I%26#039;m old enough to be considered independant and not have my parent%26#039;s income taken into consideration. and also

2) if my bad credit will affect fafsa%26#039;s financial aid, or do you still think i would be able to get a loan to go back to school?

p.s. i live in oregon....ive heard it%26#039;s either 23 or 24 for you to be not counted with your parents for the income thing....

Will bad credit affect FAFSA eligibility and getting aid?

To be considered independent you must be able to answer yes to one of these questions. (Notice none of them ask if you are living %26quot;on your own%26quot; or who claims who on what tax form)

Were you born before January 1, 1984?

At the beginning of the 2007-2008 school year, will you be working on a master閳ユ獨 or doctorate program ?

As of today, are you married? Do you have children who receive more than half of their support from you?

Do you have dependents other than your children/spouse who live with you and who receive more than half of their support from you, now and through June 30, 2008?

Are (a) both of your parents deceased, or (b) are you (or were you until age 18) a ward/dependent of the court?

Are you currently serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for purposes other than training?

Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces?

The only time ive ever seen people not get a federal student loan because of bad credit, it%26#039;s because they were defaulted on a student loan. The cosigner thing is a mystery, perhaps this indicates you were going to a very expensive school and were taking out loans other than federal loans - or the loans you were offered were PLUS loans - ones specifically for parents... or the school you were going to wasn%26#039;t eligible to receive federal fin aid...

Good Luck!

Will bad credit affect FAFSA eligibility and getting aid?

no, I get FAFSA every year and my credit is not the best in the never has affected me getting aid.

Will bad credit affect FAFSA eligibility and getting aid?

As long as you%26#039;re 18 and living on your own then you are considered an independent. Your bad credit will only stop you from getting a private loan but not a federal loan, which is okay because federal loans are better.

Here%26#039;s what you need to do to get a federal loan:

1) Fill out the FAFSA. This will determine if you are eligible for financial aid. Go here:

2) Once you are eligible for aid, choose a government-based student loan. The best loan to get is a Federal Perkins Loan. These have low interest rates and the government will help you pay it back as long as you stay enrolled in school. You also don%26#039;t need a cosigner or good credit for it. For more info go here:

3) The next best loan to get is a Subsidized Stafford Loan. This has many of the same benefits as a Perkins Loan. Learn more here:

4) You can also try to get a grant or scholarship, which is free money that you won%26#039;t have to pay back. You can read about them here:

And here are some good sites to check out:

Good luck!

Getting a loan?

I am a teenager (17 years old) and I am looking into getting a car. My parents are in the middle of a divorce, and my moms credit is terrible and she can%26#039;t qualify for a loan right now. I need a car for work and school. What are my options for getting a loan?

Getting a loan?

become 18 you can not sign a binding contract!!!

Getting a loan?

Getting a new car loan is not easy though it can be the easiest way to attain your dream car. There are many players in the car finance industry and for the consumer choosing the best%26lt;!--type of loan is a difficult task. Many factors have to be considered before taking up a car loan. Whether you want to take up a loan or not, will depend upon the car you want to buy.

Since the rates of interest on different cars vary so the type of loan that you need will depend on the car you want.The total cost of the new car loan does not include only the interest payable but also--%26gt;extra charges such as processing, transaction fees, documentation fees or any other fees. So one has to confirm with the financer as to the other charges that accompanies an auto loan.

Getting a loan?























Getting a loan?

There are none.

You must be 18 to enter a legally binding contract.

The only out is having your parents take the loan and you pay them... sorry...