
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Should I file bankrupt?

over $20k in cr card debt. currently being sued for $4000. more creditors could come.

about $20k in student loans which are deferred until graduation. Still in school.

Should I file bankrupt?

You need to talk to someone, you have serious problems. Yahoo Answers can%26#039;t dig you out of this one.

Should I file bankrupt?

What assets are you trying to protect by declaring bankruptcy??? If you are a student and renting an apartment and own a junky car like most of us did, dont declare bankruptcy. Just stop paying, it will destroy your credit but not nearly as bad as Bankruptcy would.

Keep paying the student loans, you cant get out of them anyway, and they will garnish your wages in most states to get paid back. Stop paying on the cards, when you start working in a few years, call them indiviudally and fight to pay them off at 50 cents on the dollar.

An easy way to do this is if you owe 5K each to 4 different cards, call each one and tell them you only have $2,500 and it is going to the first one to agree to settle the debt in full for what you currently have, they will all jump at this.

The nasty collectors will keep calling you, just tell them you have nothing they can attach, and you will pay in several years when you are earning, then hang up. Dont let them scare you no matter what they say. Unless you actually have assets they can find, (get them out of your name if possible) there is really nothing they can do.

a few years from now, after you settle the debt using the above methods, get a few secured cards, charge often and pay them on time, at the same time, write to the credit reporting bureaus desputing the old negative items requesting %26quot;full and complete%26quot; records from each of them from the day you opened your account to the day it was closed. If the card company cannot provide the records in their entirety, the reporting agency is obliged to remove the negative. I went from a 530 to a 740 FICO in about 18 months doing this in the early 90%26#039;s. I informally help friends and family do this all the time.

Should I file bankrupt?

You should see a BK attorney to see what your options are. BK rules vary state by state.

Should I file bankrupt?

whatever you do I hope you learned how to be responsiuble in future with a credit card. Bancruptcy laws have changed since 2005. Check with a bancruptcy attorney. If you do file it do it soon as it will take time to come off your credit report. Check out this website. it has lots of info and the guy offers FREE seminars for people who are thinking about filing or have filed bancruptcy. He has filed it and offers advice on how to recover faster from it plus LOTS of other useful info.

I filed in 2005, just under the wire and I have attended his seminars and enjoy letters from his website as very useful and helpful and informative. Stephen Snyder is his name. link is below in sources area.

Should I file bankrupt?

You have to be strong in your situation. Still go to school but look in for a part-time job.,be a waitress is good. Save money as much as you can to pay of your debt.

Financial aid/tuition question ?

My son is going to a college in our home state that has given him his financial aid package and we accepted it. It consists of scholarship, pell grant, grant from actual college and both subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loans. It totalled $14,050. That is the school%26#039;s estimate of tuition, including dorm and meal ticket. Their web site also now says the real cost is supposedly actually only $12,900. They do the package to be sure he has enough to attend. So, what happens to that extra $. Can he use it on campus for expenses, such as supplies? Or does the aid office take it back and put it on the Stafford, or what? This is my oldest and first experience with college, etc. We have had so many questions!

Financial aid/tuition question ?

As long as his aid does not go above the school%26#039;s COA (Cost of Attendance), your son should receive a refund check from the Business/Bursar%26#039;s office.

Most schools will take what the amount is for that semester (the tuition, fees, room, and board) and transfer the financial aid awarded over. If the financial aid exceeds what is owed, then a refund check will be issued. If what is owed exceeds the financial aid awarded, then money you have to pay the difference.

If your son is going to be getting a refund check, then he will be able to use it for books, supplies, and living expenses. Some schools will even automatically issue a refund check and deposit it into a student%26#039;s bank account without the student having to do anything.

I know it can be a very daunting experience for parents and students when a student goes to college for the first time. Most schools are able to disburse funds up to a week before classes begin, so that%26#039;s when refund checks start to be issued. Your best bet is to check with the financial office to get a timeline of what will happen when for that particular institution.

Good luck!

Financial aid/tuition question ?

yes. they college will have a nice shiney check waiting for you. the amount will be the difference minus a small amount for processing. make sure to keep up with the schools bursar%26#039;s office because they will often forget to contact you and thus put it as a credit towards his next semester. my experience is to be proactive chasing the check down and make sure they know you want a check versus a credit.

Financial aid/tuition question ?

You can get free scholarship info here:

Don%26#039;t forget to enter the $10,000 scholarship contest.

Financial aid/tuition question ?

Hi --- Every college handles this differently. Call the college financial aid office and ask what their policy is. I know --- it can be a really confusing, crazy process! But the financial aid office knows just what to do.

Financial aid/tuition question ?

Check with your financial aid office for details as to how they will handle the %26#039;overpayment%26#039;.

If I were in your shoes, however, I would rather NOT have the extra cash. Instead, I would reduce the amount of the unsubsidized Stafford loan. Why increase the amount you have to pay back WITH INTEREST if you can afford to reduce the initial loan?

Financial aid/tuition question ?

I%26#039;d call the college....bc NO school around here issues refund checks. My extra balance is keep on my school account for the next year and can be used to buy books etc at the bookstore.

Few colleges will cut YOU a check to attend there school.

How much does a typical undergraduate (4 year) degree cost these days? Just an average (inc. room an

It is scary from what some of my friends are telling me it is costing them to put their kids through college....and I don%26#039;t have one yet. So, in say, 18 years...I wonder what it will cost. Damn, that is a frightening prospect.

I kind of have an idea of what mine cost almost 15 years ago, (around $15,000/year I think) but my parents were so good to me and took out the loans and paid them back too. Now, grad school that was a different story. I will probably be retired before I get those get paid off....ugh.

How much does a typical undergraduate (4 year) degree cost these days? Just an average (inc. room and board)?

Check out this website on

Click on the link %26quot;how much college will cost%26quot;, and you%26#039;ll see a calculator that allows you to make different assumptions. You can even find updated estimates for specific universities, or choose a %26#039;typical%26#039; public or private university.

How much does a typical undergraduate (4 year) degree cost these days? Just an average (inc. room and board)?

Double it.

How much does a typical undergraduate (4 year) degree cost these days? Just an average (inc. room and board)?

it depends on what you mean by typical...I went to a state school in the state I had, my tuition each semester was only about $2000.

How much does a typical undergraduate (4 year) degree cost these days? Just an average (inc. room and board)?

Currently, w/o room and board, it is costing me about $11,000 a year to attend a public school. The estimates are to be at around $30,000 a year for a public school.

How much does a typical undergraduate (4 year) degree cost these days? Just an average (inc. room and board)?

I just sent my daughter to college (Colorado State University). She%26#039;s enrolled as %26quot;out of state%26quot;. It%26#039;s $16,000 a year for tuition and about $7,500 a year for room and board.... it ain%26#039;t cheap, but if the student works hard and makes something of his or her self... it%26#039;s worth every penny to the parent...

How much does a typical undergraduate (4 year) degree cost these days? Just an average (inc. room and board)?

i go to a private school in California and it cost $28,000 a year for everything, that is without my scholarships, but my school was rated #1 in US News for best value (most bang for your buck)

How much does a typical undergraduate (4 year) degree cost these days? Just an average (inc. room and board)?

For my undergrad, I went to a 4-yr jesuit university. It was about 28k per yr in tuition, and probably around 8-10k per yr for room/board. But, I got a lot of merit aid and federal loans/grants, so i only ended up having to pay about 10 or 12k per yr, usually in loans.

Unfortunately, my generation, I%26#039;m 22, has become the debt generation. Our parents were either denied the opportunity to attend the college of their choice, or had the philosophy %26quot;go whereever you want, whatever the price%26quot;.

Don%26#039;t try putting your kids through college if it will cause you to go completely broke. My mother can%26#039;t even think of saving for retirement she took out so many PLUS loans for my sisters and myself.

Loan Officer?

i live in san jose, california. I%26#039;m 17 years old and thinking about becoming a loan officer once i turn 18 and graduate high school. i want to work part time since i will be going to college full time. i know that some industries/companies/firms are willing to train and help u get the license. will i have to go seek the clients or will the clients come to me. will i be able to make about $1000 working part time.

Loan Officer?

It all depends on where you work. Loan officers get paid on loans they do and not by a salary. So the more loans you process the more you get paid. No loans processed you get nothing. Bigger banks such as BofA and Wells Fargo will train you and help you get your license. They also help by sending you to locations where they are doing showings such as new property and are partnered with the location to be the only ones who can do loans for that location.

Loan Officer?

Depends on what company you work for. I know some Loan Officers that just sit and wait for clients and others that go out and find them.

When you go to these firms, you do the interviewing not them.

Good Luck

If someone had a student loan and they have been declared disabled, is the loan forgiven?

I got a student loan in the late 1990%26#039;s to attend nursing school. I was later injured so badly at a major hospital that I was declared by the federal government to be disabled. I am now on SSI, full disability. Is my student loan forgiven? If so, how do I go about that?

If someone had a student loan and they have been declared disabled, is the loan forgiven?

Contact your lender and tell them you are disabled. You will have to submit paperwork and sign releases and have your doctor sign off on it. They will do their own investigation and let you know their decision. For my hubby, his loan was %26quot;conditionally%26quot; discharged for a few years first. Then his situation was re-assessed before it was completely discharged.

Also, if you have let your loan go into default, that will still be on your credit report. Even if you get it discharged, it will still be on your credit report, because you were still delinquent in the payments of it and let it get into default.

If someone had a student loan and they have been declared disabled, is the loan forgiven?

Absolutely not. All you need to do is to show them the proof that you are disabled person and make no income. Good luck.

If someone had a student loan and they have been declared disabled, is the loan forgiven?

I would like to recommend you some useful infomation here.

If someone had a student loan and they have been declared disabled, is the loan forgiven?

There are many different websites out there that have knowledge on this subject.

I just did a google search and found this website :


Hopefully it is helpful for you.


I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, no

It isnot identity theft I have contacted this person, I can%26#039;t enroll in school using a grant because she has grants and loans, I have learnned I was issued the ssn years before she was issued it. And the social security office has been giving me the run around on this. I have trouble getting jobs, it looks like I%26#039;m lieing on my apps when I state places I have worked or schools I%26#039;ve attened. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft

Assuming you are a LEGAL US citizen, you need to contact your local state Representative or Congressman if SS won%26#039;t help you.

This makes a huge difference to get the number correct, because when you get old enough to collect SS benefits or if you had to get disability, they won%26#039;t give it to you.

Good Luck getting it straightened out !

I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft

well, this is not something for Yahoo Answers!!!

Contact The Social Security Department!!!!! THey have made an error and have to correct it. Also be sure you have your records of all the jobs you have had and dates. When you retire how will they have all of this imformation correct?

I would contact an Attorney

I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft

I seriously doubt this. Your SSN is not based upon your birthdate... and there are many people out there with same names and last names but different middle names.

I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft

Get a good lawyer.

I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft

Aren%26#039;t you issued your SSN sometime shortly after you%26#039;re born? I%26#039;ve never heard of someone having the same SSN number. Same names and even initials but never the number. If this is actually true, I%26#039;d hire a very good attorney and fight for my identity. If you are having this many problems why haven%26#039;t you heard about this before from her. Has she ever contacted you wtih the same problems?

How can you have problems getting a job and not her? Seems you would both be in the same boat and wanting to straighten this out. Don%26#039;t settle for the run around and get busy you have a lot of work ahead of you and it probably won%26#039;t be as easy as it seems. The govt. you know

Luck to you

I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft

How do you KNOW this isn%26#039;t identity theft? She may be a con artist with a really pleasant personality, but she is obviously running up some bills under YOUR social security number. Call the credit reporting agencies and let them know what she is doing. Then, find a local investigative reporter and tell them the story. Once the SS people get outed, they will be FORCED to take action. Don%26#039;t you just love forcing government agencies to do things? Write letters to the editor of the local papers, and include documentation. Call a lawyer. Call Adult Protective Services. You need help and you have to be a squeeky wheel to get action in this country! Best wishes.

I have the same ssn as someone else (same date of birth same name except middle name is diffrent, not ID theft

It is impossible for two people to legitimately have the exact same number.

One of you has been using an incorrect number.

Serious Advice Please?

I am a 22 year old woman who lives on my own and work 2 jobs (1 part time, 1 full time). I have family around me but none of them every supported me in anything I wanted to do- not school, not work, no loving or financial support. To others, it looks like I am taking care of my own, which in a sense I am, but I am hindered because I want to go to college but I never will if I look to my family, they are just not interested and the money for a community college is availabe. They told me if I wanted to go, I would have to put myself through it. I can%26#039;t because I work 2 jobs and need them both to financially keep my head above water. I am becoming depressed because I have no real friends or family. I am strong and smart but I can not bear all these burdens. I just want to be able to go to school but I can not take out all those loans, and scholarships rearely come through. I am at my last put, I am thinking about joining the military because in the military I will at least have foundation

Serious Advice Please?

Start slowly by taking just one class in the evening. Later, you may find you can manage two and still work both jobs. At least you will be moving toward your goal.

I%26#039;d think twice before enlisting in the military; they don%26#039;t pay enlisted members worth a damn, and you%26#039;re stuck being at their mercy for a minimum of 4 years.

Whatever you do, DO NOT have a child and further complicate your life (like I did).

Serious Advice Please?

Why don%26#039;t you want to take out a student loan? The government offers them to EVERYONE. You don%26#039;t even have to pay them back until 6 months after you have finished school. That%26#039;s what I did and it worked great. And the payments are low, mine was only $50 a month.

Serious Advice Please?

I am sorry you don%26#039;t have a support system. I admire the strength that you have in spite of it. Just keep your head up and keep doing your thing. Your family will come around when you become successful with their hands out. You can tell to go where the sun don%26#039;t shine when they do. You have to be your own support system. Visualize your future and use your strength and determination to make sure it happens.

You can apply for financial aid for help with paying for school. It wouldn%26#039;t hurt you to take out school loans. Plenty of people have had to do that. I am still paying on my student loans.